In Memory Of…

This memory page is dedicated to friends and family that have passed away.  


Aunt Maxine (December 2018)

My sister’s FIL (June 2017)


 My nephew (February 2017). My book, Avian Friends (HERE), has some poems connecting to my nephew’s passing (and would be helpful for anyone in the grieving process). 


Our Pets Steve and Cody

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Back Labrador: Sir Stephen Paul of Canterbury Royal  (2005 -2018)

Golden Labrador Mix: Commodore Cody (2005 -2016)




Darrin K. (1968-2016)

Song connected with Darrin:


Kip White, 49 (2005). KIP was a music mentor for my spouse in the 1990’s –  his family was like family to us when we lived in Colorado.  

Kip White


Jacob Nerud, 9 and Jordan Nerud, 8 (1998)


Gary Snyder, 49 (2001)

gary snyder at grill at Jamaica party


Cathy Snyder (Derry) November 2019


Cathy Heimer January 2020


Barbara Quade, 58  – November 2008


Barb was our lawyer in the 1990’s (rescued helped us with visitation for my step-daughter) and not only was she an amazing lawyer and wonderful business woman, she was a loving person, caring momma and had a generous heart.

“Once in a while, attorneys master their practice and then continue to push the envelope by promoting a higher level of professionalism and practice.

Barbara C. Quade, a long-time hero and advocate of Metro Volunteer Lawyers of Denver, was one such excellent attorney, and will be dearly missed by many. Quade passed away Nov. 28, at her home in Windsor. She was 58.

She graduated from the Sturm College of Law at the University of Denver. She was a principal of the firm Quade, Fontana & Bonin and later established Quade Family Law. She received a lifetime achievement award…” more of article here


Shanna Blankenship (1980-1995). 


 1-24-2017 here

1-24- 2018 here 

This song reminds me of her:


Norma Furgerson (October, 2010). Norma and I shared a connection through her writing. I am glad that our paths crossed and in heaven someday we will share poems and stories….:)

for norma


Mr. Caldarelli (2005), my 6th grade teacher and he invested in me as a writer and as a young learner. So grateful for him.

post is here


 Maryann Halligan, 36 (1968-2004)

Kim, Maryann, and Yvette


Matt Row, 39 (2008)

I did not know Matt, but would like to honor him here as his essence lingers on through his widow, Andrea (and their two children).


Matt and Andrea – click on photo for blog.


David – Our neighbor and forever friend (January, 2013)

in memory of david- priorhouse

 David’s Dad (January, 2015)

word cloud in memory of davids dad january 2015


My dad (2004) 


in memory ofI do not have a post written for my dad, but I will link one if one unfolds. ❤ –

In the meantime, I will just share that I have my dad’s eyes! 

This Clapton song reminds me of him –

A few Comics – because it can lift spirits and combat grief – right?   🙂


  1. Blog Post About How Grief Shows Up in Your Physical Body HERE

  2. Blog Post Memorial from Sound Eagle
  3. Book: “Heaven” by Randy Alcorn (here).

  4. Therapist Aide ( has resources like this next sheet:





comic paparazzi
Lookin’ Fresh Comic

55 thoughts on “In Memory Of…

    1. Dear Yvette Prior,

      I concur with Andy Oldham. As mentioned in my highly bespoke reply to you at, it is delightful and heartening that you have come over to read my special and latest blog post to convey your condolences. Also highly welcomed are your appreciation of this special tribute to Khim, as well as your offering of good vibes and wishes to Khai, who, as you mentioned, is facing a major transitional adjustment in life. Thank you.

      How moving it is that you have specifically set aside a web page on your blog to immortalize them! Undoubtedly, deep in your heart, those friends and family members live on. Let us hope that we shall always be able to reminisce the good days that we spent with our beloved ones who had departed, as we continue to cherish them in our memories and to express our affections for them via our multimedia posts.

      I also hope that you have had the opportunity to listen to my very own musical compositions and arrangements contained in the eulogy.


  1. Sorry to hear about your Dads passing.. We lost ours in 2006 at 59yrs old.. It was nice seeing you again around the Holidays!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Whao – flashback in time here – SO NICE to see your name come up. And yeah, I actually heard about your dad passing a while back -and thought of you and Jeff – also, I always liked your dad. In fact, I have thought of your family throughout the years – whenever I see those pictures you poured for people – like there I was in San Jacinto, California one weekend in 2002, and a relative had a dozen(plus) of those Hippert wooden works of art.
      Anyhow, thanks for taking the time to drop by and comment – 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    1. thanks Mama-mick – and I am glad you have some extra time this month (well assuming you might!!) and I appreciate you checking around – funny because I just read your “favorites” drop down menu – 🙂 ❤ hugs ❤

      Liked by 1 person

  2. It’s always hard losing a family member, I’ve experienced this as well. Been very quiet about it since the pain of their passing still lingers in my mind. Honoring them is important though, it’s nice to see what you’ve done. Thanks.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Hey Prior, loved reading your About this morning, after all your heartfelt comments on my stories, and your family photo shots have such a warmth to them. Then I headed here, and was scrolling through your post and the Grief process jumped out at me. Not that I am grieving (I have when my Mother died, eventually) but because it will be so useful to people I know and people that I do not whom I connect with on a weekly basis. Thank you so much. Warmest wishes, Kelvin

    Liked by 1 person

    1. thanks G – and I had this page on private for a while – that might be why it was missed…but thanks for peeking around.

      and seriously, if anyone knows how to give tribute to past loved ones it is YOU!
      You – and your interactive blog – honor so many and has a nice glow in the blogosphere….

      Liked by 2 people

        1. my pleasure – and I found your blog on another blog and so glad i did – looks like good stuff here – and well, okay – with the two words joy and roses together – I think that is a sign… ha!

          Liked by 1 person

  4. What a tribute for those who have died before us and a place of healing. I too is going through riveting process that I still have yet to put in writing as to how it affected me. Thank you.

    Liked by 1 person

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