Flashback Friday (Old Toshiba TV, Clocks, & Hanging On Quotes)



This next featured item for this flashback today is a Toshiba TV.

 In a recent post, I mentioned my favorite car battery was Interstate Batteries back in the day – well – in 1987 I thought Toshiba was the best TV brand there was.  

Did you know I won a TV in 1987?  I chose a 25″ Toshiba (that was a very large size for that year) but then I brought it back because I was not really into TV at the time (a little more to the story and perhaps another time – because it is a funny story). Anyhow, here is the old Toshiba – which was taken at this little shop down in Florida a few years ago. 

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Linked to pull up a seat (saw this chair sitting here when on a road trip a while back – it caught my attention. I imagined who would sit here – and what they would do – read? smoke? enjoy the palm tree n the view?


This next photo is not that old – but the idea I had connected with it is an old idea. The feeling of hanging on with togetherness.  And while there are times we do not hang on – (we might need to move on) other times we need to keep that grip firmly planted and fortify 🙂 

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Okay = thanks for flashing back with me this Friday – 

hope you have a great weekend 







37 thoughts on “Flashback Friday (Old Toshiba TV, Clocks, & Hanging On Quotes)

      1. It as my yoga teacher who was teaching some position and said two o’clock and 9 o’clock and the students were 😳 she had a laugh but was curious about time…stayed in my mind now as well digital…anyways have a joyful day 💫


  1. I remember all of these things. My first television set was a Gold Star black and white. Small little thing but I treasured it because I had a TV in my room. To me, that was as good as it gets. The little things.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. yes sir – everyone takes for granted the TV in their room and it WAS a gift to have the luxury back then!
      and for me – in high school – used babysitting money and paid my brother to install a phone in my room – and then it had a 20 foot cord

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Oh my goodness those took me back to growing up and those old clunkers we were so excited about Yvette. whooo hooo and wining a t.v. in the day!!! Lucky you!!!
    I have that same chair.. Never mind the “room with a view”. not too cozy of a chair.. well mine is waiting for the seat to go back on for the project I’ve been going to do for like 5 years. lol!
    LOVE the pandas reminding us that we move in an out of different states in our life.. I just wrote a piecs on letting go.. maybe I’ll post monday but it’s not very “valentiney” ❤️

    Liked by 1 person

    1. oh cindy – your project sounds fun to have in the waiting!
      i used to like making art chairs and wish i had time for that!
      guess i could make time but maybe it is only a small desire and so i do other things lol
      and looking forward to your recent writing and i personally do not think you should worry about it fitting with valentine’s day – that holiday tends to get so overdone anyway (yawn)

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      1. My chair might be like your old enjoyment with time constraints for me too. Now I like to point and shoot and get others to do .. lol.
        Oh thanks.. it’s kind of long but I think important❤️. yes.. true another halmark event. 🤣💖

        Liked by 1 person

  3. I like the quotes and love the pandas. Got a good laugh about the TV. When I grew up, we didn’t have a TV until I was in high school and then mostly to watch sports. We’d watch sometimes at my grandparents’: Ed Sullivan, Lassie, Checkmate, and the like. But mostly we read. After we got married, we had a 13″ TV which helped de-emphasize television when the girls were little. We had to go larger when we couldn’t see the subtitles in my husband’s Jackie Chan movies. 🙂 We still have a small TV compared to those I see at Costco and other places. I don’t want the first thing you see in our living room to be a wall filled with a television. 🙂 Now a wall filled with books…that would be different. 🙂


    Liked by 1 person

    1. ahhhh
      the wall filled with books is a beautiful site to imagine and i am with you in that – and so cool how everyone’s book shelves look so different (for those that still have tangible books)
      and the huge black blob bothers me at times
      and we sure have a long way with extra large TVs
      they keep
      getting cheaper and cheaper and i heard the porn industry drives the technology enhancements (something like that) and they are also getting more and more invasive with big brother technology (but folks don’t m to care or are ignorant)

      and smiling at the jackie Chan subtitles
      i watch many series that have subtitles and i can see
      how the size factors in to see them.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Did the numbers on that clock at the top glow in the dark?

    We’re wondering how much longer the TV we have is going to last, and whether we want to get another one when it does. It, the the way, is a Toshiba….

    Liked by 1 person

    1. oh john – that is super cool that you have a toshiba right now!
      when i was shooting in 1987 everyone was like “get a toshiba, get a toshiba”
      and if you do go TV shopping in the near future i think you will be pleasantly surprised with some good prices today.
      sure have come a long way
      and i am not sure if the numbers lit up – i assume they did.
      and i see that we were in that store right before they closed at 10


      1. We’ve had this one close to 20 years now. It’s been a good one and still gets a good picture, although it takes a while for it to warm up (i.e. for the picture to clear up and stop rolling) when you turn it on. Whether we buy another TV or just use our various electronic devices and something like Locast for local TV is something we have to discuss. The amount of TV we watch anymore is about 6 hour at the outside. We might choose to get a smart TV for streaming with Roku or Fire TV, where there’s a lot of “free” (commercial supported) things available (including Locast). Well, we’ll cross that bridge when we come to it…

        Liked by 1 person

        1. wow John – you have a lot of options to consider – and i don’t think they make TVs to last anymore – a lot of gadgets including TVs are built to fail –
          but there are many options and best wishes when you reach that point

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  5. I remember having a clock like the one in your photo. It sat on my nightstand when I was a teenager. Good memories! So funny that you won a TV, then brought it back because you didn’t want it. I want to read that story!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. ok laurie – i promise to link you when i share the story! it is really funny and i recently told some young 20
      somethings and they were laughing pretty good with me!


  6. Great flashback photos. I wish I had kept my family’s old hand held telephone. It was burgundy color with a leather handle and a ring that could wake up the neighbors and make a hole in the floor when dropped.
    Love the panda togetherness! They are such lovable animals.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. that old phone sounds like it was well made! and leather on it? how cool and too bad it was not saved.
      do you or any family members have photos of it??


      1. That phone was mega nuts! I don’t know how we got that phone in the first place, but it stayed with us for years. The leather receiver was curved that fit into the base with the squiggly cord. It sure had a funky look to it.
        If we do have pictures of it, I’d have to go through old albums or film negatives. lol

        Liked by 1 person

  7. The chair needs someone sitting in it … perhaps Bernie with his mitts. I like that palm tree sticking up out of nowhere, like its photobombing the image.


    1. Hi Linda – I have been wanting to do a few images of Bernie with his mitts – and just might do it even if I am late to the party!
      and the plan tree “does” look that way – hahahah very fun

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      1. I am going to do a Bernie Wordless Wednesday pic this week. I am late to the that party too, but look at this way Yvette – by now EVERYONE has heard about, read about or seen the Bernie photo and the hundreds, if not thousands, of memes, so our posts will be enjoyed (hopefully) as we extend the fun just a little more. He raised a lot for charity selling tee-shirts and other items with his likeness. That is the very best part.


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