Tiffany Punch Bowl & Rockefeller Room at Art Museum

Hello readers, joining in with Becky’s January Light challenge here.

Reflected Light: This Tiffany Art Nouveau “Punch Bowl with Three Ladles” won grand prize at the Paris World Fair in 1900. 




Rockefeller Room at the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts (VMFA). 

This next photo (rectangular) gives a bit more details – 

Arabella Worsham-Rockefeller bedroom is on display at the VMFA and is a period interior. This bedroom is an example of Anglo-American Aesthetic Art.  In 1884, Mrs. Worsham sold her house, with this remodeled bedroom, to Rockefeller and when Rockefeller died in 1937, this went to New York Museum for display. The museum in New York released the bedroom to Richmond, Virginia (VMFA) in 2008. Whenever I explore this bedroom display with students we always discuss how “some things change and some things stay the same.” We also discuss how many “more” furniture options we have today – and we can go out and buy a similar bed and chandelier quite easily on most budgets. However, back in the 1800s – only the wealthy could have certain features in their homes – like the lights and ceiling details seen here. 


Just for fun, and because there are only a few more days to share our January Light photos, and because the tone of the photo matches my museum images – here are some salt and pepper shakers from a Pennsylvania rest area (and yes, I thought of my PA blog friends when I took this). 

The little walnut salt shaker says, “You’re nuts if you don’t use salt” – Let me just add that we want to make sure we are using high quality sea salt and fresh cracked pepper. But especially watch the salt – maybe even try some Celtic Salt – just be careful of the processed crap out there.

Throw Back of a Closing song:

This Salt-n-Pepa song always reminds me of Winter 1987/1988. “Push It” was #19 on Billboard’s Hot 100 in early 1988 and after they performed this song at Nelson Mandela‘s 70th birthday party, the song went to #2. “Push It” was certified Platinum RIAA and is ranked #446 on Rolling Stones list 500 Greatest Songs of All Time.












25 thoughts on “Tiffany Punch Bowl & Rockefeller Room at Art Museum

  1. Moist unusual bowl Yvette. Love how the house was donated to the community. Listened to S&P while browsing other blogs. I am sure that song was popular in the labour wards at the time 😀 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hahah – your humor is so natural and awesome bb
      And that song must have been helpful there-
      And a few years ago that song had a resurgence when it was in a commercial –

      Liked by 1 person

        1. side note – I am not able to leave a comment on your recent post – it might be some “prevent cross tracking” things that is turned on – but I will be by later to chime in…

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