RED: Lens-Artists Photo Challenge #81 (and Grain Brain book)

This week, the lens-artist photo challenge theme is “Find Something Red.”

Go to Patti’s original post here to join in or to see more entries.

Here is the Priorhouse take: 

A red rental bike stands out. The color really does really POP – as many have noted this week. However, It also makes the eyes “work” harder and we have heard that folks with headaches (or migraines) should avoid red rooms and they need to get their eyes away from certain colors. (Many greens and blues can calm…)
A red utility box stands out. This photo – to me – has a quiet mood as the folks form a triangle in the composition.  Bench lady, folks standing above her, and commuter on right. But the reason I took the photo had to do with the large drink the girl on the bench is holding. Liquid sugar is dangerous and while I do not know what she is consuming – quite often today people are “unknowingly” sabotaging their health by having sugar drinks that think are healthy. Sugar pulls from health and we were not meant to have this much sugar every day.  And if you think “fruit smoothies” are an exception – you have to read the book Grain Brain (here) by Dr. Perlmutter. – – –  I have been enjoying this bestselling “Grain Brain” book all month. —-  If you feel frustrated because you are not winning your health battles (maybe it has you seeing red) may I suggest you check out Grain Brain? This author explains why grains – and sugars – are not good for the brain – and overall health.  

Snippets from the Grain Brain book: Click on the image to see the larger version:


Red Berries stand out. Hard to believe Christmas was one month ago – feels like six months ago. Anyhow, I took this photo, back in  December, because I thought it was an excellent Christmas bouquet – not overdone. 
Red poinsettia strands out. I liked this photo for the bit of red, but more for the bird, whispy lines, into of purple, and small brownish circle lights (upper right).
Red cheer pillow. Speaking of Christmas – this toss pillow has the “cheer” phrase that is ubiquitous around the holidays – but let’s remember to have “cheer” throughout the year. Because we all need to remember that forcing a smile has a huge perks for human health because smiling more changes your mood, boosts immunity, releases stress, helps generate endorphins and serotonin ((see facial hypothesis feedback here and my old “smile” post is here) – —–  Even though we need to sometimes “force” a smile – especially while we develop a habit of smiling more —– sometimes smiles come easy and naturally. Yes, sometimes smiles come easily and that is how it has been for me in January 2020.  I have had a lot of answered prayers this month and sometimes I cannot get the smile off of my face. ahhhh – so nice. 
Red balloons. If you need a little cheer – and even if you don’t – I am sending a little blog love your way as I end this post.


Closing Song:

Goo Goo Doll’s version of Supertramp’s “Give A Little bit” – live from Buffalo back in 2004 –

The Goo Goo Dolls are from Buffalo – and if the hubs and I could go back in time – we would go out of our way to bring my step-daughter to this concert. She loves this band and at the time we did not realize how special this concert was. Also, for anyone who is from Buffalo or wants to know more about the city, Angela Keppel has a great bloghere called Discovering Buffalo, One Street at a Time.

Anyhow, here is the Goo Goo Doll’s video:


Need more information for the Lens-Artists Photo Challenge?  

Use these links:

Week 1–Patti of














23 thoughts on “RED: Lens-Artists Photo Challenge #81 (and Grain Brain book)

  1. Great photos! I love the way the red stands out and makes a statement. I’ve never really listened to the Goo Goo Dolls but have been a Supertramp fan since their heyday – I bought the album the song is on at release time. Fearing the worst I clicked on the play icon and was pleasantly surprised. Maybe I should try more of the Dolls!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh Clive, I know what you mean about fearing the worst – because not all remake of songs come out good. And I am glad you approve of the Goo Goo Dolls version of this song. A while ago, I made a video with some footage of my nephew and I added both the Supertramp song and the Good Dolls version to parts of the video.
      Anyhow, hope you check out more of their songs – I think you might like some more.

      — and how fun that you bought the Breakfast In America album at release time. That must have been cool. Do you still have the record?
      Take the Long Way Home will always remind me of my friend Casey from Cocoa Beach Florida – and the song was old back then…

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      1. Some covers are abysmal (think Madonna and American Pie) but they often add something to the original. This was a fairly faithful cover but it has piqued my interest. Releases were probably different in the two countries – often happens – but here that song was on Even In The Quietest Moments. I also bought Breakfast In America and several of their other albums. Sadly, I no longer have them: I had no room for them after the divorce and left them for my ex-wife to sell. Thankfully I now have Apple Music.

        Songs have a way of attaching themselves to our memories, don’t they?

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Fun take on the challenge Yvette. Loved your smile discussion and the adorable photo with it. I’ve read that many times. Doesn’t always work for me but there are times when it does so I try to remember it!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks for taking the time to read and view! I am still exploring the other entries for this challenge – but Derrick – it seems many bloggers have shown that a bit of red does pop — such a fun color – and wishing you a great day

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  3. Thanks for the shoutout! I’m a huge Goo Goo Dolls fan myself and was drenched at that concert, but it was amazing (and when I’m not writing my blog, I actually work for the company that put on that concert!)


  4. Yvette, I think I read somewhere how fast food restaurants incorporate the colour red, so that patrons do not stay too long. I am not sure whether this is true. In a photo, red does pop, as you point out. Interesting photos! I will put “Grain Brain” on my reading list.


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