Chairs and Heart Poem – Micro Fiction

Time for a Priorhouse Two for Tuesday Post. 

I am featuring chairs today.

Monday’s post for “Delicate” (here) had an image that had a pair of chairs and so I thought I’d show you the other two takes of that shot:

Part 2:

Heart poem

I am joining in with the  A&I Poetry Challenge, which is to write a heart poem this month.

 (Realistic romantic fiction poem – The heart poem for this post was designed to be written by someone who maybe previously owned some of the chairs in this post. Also, Kiwi Nana (here) recently wrote that her sweetheart was “only eighty-one” and it reminded me about how age is so relative.)

Title: I’m Keeping the Chairs


I’m keeping the chairs.

Letting everything else go.

Except for the boat.

I need that for life flow.

Out of all of our shared possessions, the chairs seemed to speak.

It was where you and I sat – every day, every week.


Sipping drinks

Finishing coffees

Eating salads in the sun

Hunkering down after a run

Writing in the shade

Reading newspapers or notes I made


Those chairs carry your many different looks

Didn’t even realize we had a special seated nook

’twas our place to check in

pausing as we fully lived


I will never get used to your being gone.

You were only 81

life was still fun

But your essence, will always live on

In my heart

 my being

I smile

To have had all those sits with you

completes me through and through

quiet times

everyday moments

sometimes energized shares

makes me say,

“Oh yes, I am keeping the friggin’ chairs”


And because it is Two for Tuesday, let’s see the poem a second time  – in a heart shape (made it here).







40 thoughts on “Chairs and Heart Poem – Micro Fiction

  1. I love that you put the poem into a heart shape. And what sentiment is found within these words! Genuine love, a bouncy rhythm, a determination to keep alive memories. One gets the impression that other folk want the chairs to be ditched, but she is adamant they are staying as her beloved may not be there in body, but his essence and soul remains, very much, alongside her, in her memories of all the happy moments sitting together. Beautiful poem, Yvette.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. thanks so very much and I still have to read some of the other folks who joined in this month – and very glad to be able to connect – have a nice day A


  2. I love those first two chairs! Don’t know if I’d dare to sit on them. 🙂 🙂 And I enjoyed your poem and ‘all those sits’. Wishing you joy, Yvette.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Lovely, Yvette! I love the poem in the heart shape (do they call this type concrete poem or is it something else?) Also, I’m keeping the blue chairs!

    Liked by 2 people

      1. Nice! I’ll check out the link that you’ve provided; thanks.

        They certainly do plus they’re in my favorite color!

        Liked by 1 person

  4. That is very lovely poem and using all the words in it to make up a heart shape. That is so cool!

    I like taking pictures of chairs too and the pictures of them you have here are good. I took one picture of chairs at the local flea market too.

    Thank you for the part 2 pictures of the lady and the girl. Now, I think I know what was going on 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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