Pies, Pies, Pies (and did someone say Teebow?)

This post has three parts: Art by Thiebaud, The Profit finale, and Tim Teebow

1.  ART by Thiebaud:

Last night we watched the The Profit finale, which was a pie episode and it made me think of art by Wayne Thiebaud, which is pronounced “tee-bow” -who is often noted as the “dessert painter.”

Well Thiebaud painted more than desserts, but his classic and nostalgic versions of bakery items and confectionaries are wonderful. And his use of shadows is noteworthy – and for math in art his art works are a good option!  He is often classified as a pop artist, but his early work came before this movement and the “sweet everydayness of his cake and pie pictures looked like cousins of Andy Warhol’s soup cans.”  (more HERE ).  To share a little bit of his work, here is a short vid I made:


2. The Profit finale:

The final episode was the “Key West Key Lime Pie”  and besides drooling to try some, there was someone in the room with a wet eye when one of the employees, Tammy, received a generous salary bump photo from the profit(M.L. said she was the “key” to the Key Lime pie business…).  This merge was also such a success story and I can see why this was chosen as the finale.

Because in the Athans Motors episode (season 2 – episode 1) we see a long time employee packing up and leaving the business for good – no salary bump for him because he was “not” the key to business…

But back to this  Tammy salary adjustment for a minute, because this will not only bless this dedicated worker, but it will also allow her to have a quality of life that will then let her bring more freshness to her job – more zest – which is just “good for business.”  Lemonis says, “Although a pat on the back is often good, giving somebody financial stability goes a lot further…”

This is an example of how The Profit MODELS for us that in his 3 P’s – “People Matter” first – and when People are properly tended to, (or dismissed if they do not fit in?) the Process and Product can then be fortified more effectively.

kwy west key lime pie the profit
credit: Key Lime Pie Co.

I also like that the new logo left a bit of yellow in the lime, because “ripe” key limes are actually “yellowish” in hue – and the entire logo – fruit and words – give a delicious presentation of green *and* yellow!

While I think the Key Lime Pie Co. pies are lacking some visual upscale appeal (a bit boring for when you want a specialty dessert) -but the all natural, proprietary recipe is a huge perk and I like that they offer an extra tart version – and a gluten free pie as well.  The former pie recipe has won awards from The American Pie Council and is recommended by Food Network and we plan on trying this new pie in the next couple of months and I will be back to post a review.

I also noticed that they have an “under fifty dollars”  “four different” options, which I think brings “pie shipping” into the realm of affordability for more people.

And having a pie shipped can sometimes mean more than giving someone flowers, cards, or even money.  Sometimes a tasty gift like a pie becomes a box of love.   And especially a key lime pie, which is hard to find and the all natural ones are packed with antioxidants. 

(I had a photo from the key west key lime pie co. here, but I guess there was someone being all crabby about me using it – even with noting the source they still objected!! – and it makes me almost want to take down all my positive notes- because I guess for some folks it is all about the money – and nothing more… so okay, the photo is gone… happy now?)

Anyhow, the updated pie video post is HERE.


3. Did Someone say Teebow?

And because Thaibaud sounds like “Tee-bow” – well it makes me think of the former NFL player Tim Teebow  – and did you also know that Teebow’s  family has a very popular PIZZA PIE recipe that looks like a heart clog an athlete’s caloric delight (recipe Here ).

teebow family pie recipe


 I also wanted to share a pie joke I heard last month on national “Pi day” –  which is March 13th for π 3.14…. it does not have to do with math, but it is cute.

The story:

       A New Yorker goes to college in California and settles into his dorm.  He asks his California roommate if he wants to go out for some pie.  

His roommate replies curiously, “Pie???” and then says, “Dude – no thanks…”  

and then the roommate asks again, “Come on, my treat, we’ll grab some pie and then go to a movie…”  

And again the roommate replies, “Dude, no thanks man.  I need dinner, and I don’t really do pie…” –

well than it was obvious there was an east coast vs. west coast case of semantics here.  

You see, pie is also a name for Pizza in New York – and well, once settled – the guys went out for some PIZZA PIE…


In closing, one thing I really like about Thiebaud’s work is the texture. He painted versions of pies long before the smooth look of fondant was around, and while smooth frosting has a place, sometimes the thick texture  – whether real or implied – is a bit more tastier, like in this one:

wayne-thiebaud-cake and slices
Wayne Thiebaud, Around the Cake, 1962
art by wayne thiebaud_priorhouse
Paintings by Thiebaud


For teacher elementary lesson using Thiebaud ART go HERE
and here is a link to cool blog: wayne thiebaud’s view
For a bIble verse on wages check this one out HERE



20 thoughts on “Pies, Pies, Pies (and did someone say Teebow?)

    1. ha – ha – you have me laughing a little – connection record – that’s fun! and well, it just flowed! and later this week and I planning on making some key lime pie- which will keep the pie flow going some more. ha! have a nice night. 😉


  1. (EN) Amazing post yours…or tasty post. Love Thiebaud’s works and your varied look on the topic. Thanks:-)
    (IT) Carino il tuo post….o gustoso post. Mi piacciono le opere di Thiebaud e il tuo variegato sull’argomento. Grazie:-)


  2. Clever post! I love it when you throw in some art history – not my area at all so it’s good to learn something new. That key lime pie is making me feel even hungrier than your nougat cookies!


    1. Thanks Debbie – and I am not a “foodie” by any means – but there are a few bloggers that I would really like to have tea and snacks with you – and you’d be one of them – and I would also like to see the harbor where your lens finds some of those captivating shots you capture! 😉


      1. hey Lumar! thanks for dropping by my crafty friend! 🙂 and got it – all these “p” words just keep coming up!


  3. That key lime pie was awesome!! we have never tasted key lime pie that good Carroll says it’s a keeper. I would buy that.


    1. Thanks Joan – I will add your comment to the up and coming post –

      and I hope you have a great trip to the Carolinas (which I know Carroll calls God’s country!) see you next week. 🙂


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