☀️About Priorhouse Blog☀️

Welcome to Priorhouse Blog

***Updated 2023***


Priorhouse blog has changed over the years – yet the main themes remain the same: photos, art, and a little bit of lit.

What is going on in 2023?

  • Priorhouse blog is continuing the interview series  – master page is HERE
  • Priorhouse blog continues to join in with photography challenges, which mainly includes the Lens-Artist’s Photo Challenge (LAPC) and sometimes Thursday Doors.
  • Priorhouse Street Shots continue to unfold naturally. 
  • Other posts include book reviews, movie/show reviews, opinion articles, extra photo challenges (besides the LAPC), writing challenges, and the annual spring #Dickenschallenge.
  • Priorhouse books are listed here.

Hi – I am Mrs. Prior, the host of Priorhouse blog. 

Yvette Prior’s short bio: Yvette works as a university professor and conducts research. After earning a PhD in Industrial & Organizational Psychology, she poured into book projects and has not stopped writing since. Her past work experience has included teaching art, counseling (not therapy), hospitality management, and doing outreach. Yvette finds refreshment from yoga, exploring the arts, and writing. amazon.com/author/yvetteprior


Chris and Yvette (2020 – FL Keys)

I hope you enjoy Priorhouse blog – Have a look around and let’s connect!



Street Shots – Richmond, VA


Family shot at VMFA in Fall 2022
Family shot from a funeral in January 2021
Family photo from a funeral (sniff) in February 2017


Mr. & Mrs. Prior
The Priorhouse Family




accordian player 2 of 3 jose m tampa artist
Art by Jose M. Tampa Artist (on fb here)

mon torero - refraction photo challenge - priorhouse 2014


tt- c and K - 2014


rejoice and be glad sign

the rose of sharon bloom


This is a personal blog, with opinion, and we do NOT represent any organization.

All post material – even photos – can be freely shared and used for educational purposes only. Not for commercial purposes. 

(ツ©priorhouse 2014 through 2023).

Anything shared on this blog is for educational purposes and informing only; it is NOT meant to treat or diagnose.

Thanks for stopping by!


go broncos priorhouse 2014











263 thoughts on “☀️About Priorhouse Blog☀️

    1. I agree with Playamart – Zeebra Designs that the introduction that Y. Prior has given us here is a testament to your passion and penchant as “a true educator and natural teacher”.

      I would like to suggest a better way to showcase your photos through tiling them rather than displaying them one after another as the vertical stacking approach takes up a lot of vertical space and thus entails a lot of vertical scrolling. You can see an example of the tiling approach dealing with nearly 100 images at https://soundeagle.wordpress.com/2017/09/28/optical-illusions/

      May you have a lovely weekend and happy October to you and your family!


      1. Thanks so much for your nice comment.
        and I have changed my “about page” a few times over the years and maybe I should have noted that somewhere – and so some of the comments for this page were reflecting on content that has been removed – if that makes sense.
        and thanks for your nice suggestion – however, while I like how many bloggers use the tiles, it is not “my” preference. I also have considered a slideshow, but that was not what I was going after either. The primary goal of my about page was to give folks a taste of what they could find at this blog – and when I decided to include a bunch of photos – just one on top op of the other – it was quite intentional. I guess we like what we like – just like you seem to really love adding music to so much on your sound eagle blog – music and sound is your thing – and maybe here – the classic feel and simplicity of stacked photos reflects my essence.
        But thanks again – and again I do like how some folks use the tiled slideshows – and I can see how it is a tool for creative presentation

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Hello Y. Prior! Thank you for your reply. My suggestion of using the tile format is out of a sense of necessity or sensibility, as one would find it to be the case if or when the number of photos to be presented in the “About” page (or any page or post for that matter) is around one hundred or more. I would like to clarify that this matter has little or nothing to do with what formats other bloggers happen to choose to display their photos. Rather, the matter has far more to do with the functionality, presentation, user interface and user friendliness of a blog or website.

          Regardless of my suggestion, you are of course always at full liberty to decide on how any post or page on your blog is to be presented, for any reason or purpose. There would be no need to make any change(s), if or when the results are as intended and satisfying to you. 🙂


        2. well thanks – and I was just saying that I have seen the tile format used on many blogs and it seems to really be a preference thing.
          But thanks for coming back to explain and clarify – I am actually honored that you offered a suggestion – it shows something nice about you.

          oh – but maybe it seemed like I had 100 plus photos, but i just went and counted and I have under 40 – and actually a couple of them are combined into one image –
          so where did you get 100 form (just curious)

          Liked by 1 person

        3. The 100 referred to mine, as you can see from my earlier comments. Even just 40 images or so can be significantly numerous to warrant careful consideration of placements. 🙂

          Liked by 1 person

        4. actually I can see how you might count the collages for their individual photos – but I just went back and counted and reached 40. side note – and not that this matters – but I just went to that page today added three – the family ones and the gif – but after receiving your feedback – I think I will go back in and clean up a few. I am still going to leave it one photo after the other – because again – I do not care for the tile layout – although I think it works REALLY well for your optical illusions and I like when other bloggers use it – but I like the stacked pics….

          Liked by 1 person

        5. hey – thanks so much again – because after i went back and counted the pics – I realized I had one of them twice – the flowers – and it also needed some editing.
          so I really appreciate you taking the time to drop me a note.

          Liked by 1 person

        6. Moreover, whether my images are in tile or stack format, I usually try to present them in such a way that each of these images can be commented on by clicking or touching it to activate its own comment section, which will “float” on top of the post or page.

          Liked by 1 person

      2. and I almost took out your link – but I will leave it in because you have some amazing visuals with optical illusions – brilliant actually.
        And yes, i would say that tiling works for you and what you wanted to provide to your readers – (although in my humble opinion – there is so much on that page that you were right to warn folks it will take a while to load – so while I think less is more – you obviously have a flair for dense…. and I am glad the tile option works for your needs…)

        Liked by 1 person

  1. Great page, look at all those visits from all over the world! Well I’m visiting from Chile and I see the flag down there, not sure if it was already there or if I put that there, but happy to have found your blog. Thanks so much for visiting quickmeups 🙂 Take care and will be in touch!!

    Liked by 3 people

  2. Hi Yvette!
    Thanks for following. I’m a happy camper now you are joining me as I trip around by RV, plane, car and time machine to the past.
    Comments, compliments, critiques and wisecracks are most welcome.
    You have a great blog. “See” you again soon.
    Which Way Now 101 aka Carol

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Hello Yvette. Firstly, I want to thank you for visiting my blog. It’s a real honor. Secondly, I am happy to hear you are a Christian. That is enough with me – although with God nothing we do down here can be truly enough, we have infinity to fulfill!

    Liked by 2 people

  4. I had to chuckle reading this — a few years ago I was at the opening of a film. An INCREDIBLY small art film and I was in it (shudder). The opening was in a gallery. One of the works of art in the gallery was a sculpture of Christ on the Cross all made of barbed wire. I said to my friend, “Poor Jesus. They just can’t leave off crucifying him.” That’s how I feel about the word “Christian” today. For that reason I’m the one praying in secret…

    Liked by 2 people

    1. well your last post hooked me in!! 🙂 and I just found SBNR too, but cannot recall where or I would give credit – 🙂 – anyhow, thanks for the follow too.


  5. Hello Yvette!

    Thank you so much for checking out my blog and following it too! 🙂

    I’m still having trouble getting into my writing groove, but hopefully that won’t deter you from checking in now and then. Please feel free to comment on anything.

    I was just snooping around yours and really like what I see, so now I’m following you too! Warning though, I am an atheist so I hope that doesn’t offend you. It seems to bother some folks, but you strike me as being very level-headed and non-judgemental. 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I think I found you on “musings with a tangled mind” blog – and well, I like how you speak your mind. I also cannot believe you have a twenty year old cat! or should I say that you have your senior “fur-babies” – 🙂

      and well regarding religion – I actually have a few atheists that follow my blog – and some panthiests, some agnostics, one or two who are recovering from RTS (religious trauma syndrome), a couple of “deistic evolutionists” and who knows who else – and well, I am honored that you are here. and like your latest blog, this is a perosnal blog for me and while I cannot predict any posts – I specifically do not want to have a religious blog right now. Sometimes I mention God – like on my easter post – and sometimes I feel like I can piss everyone off – like some Christians might want me to mention God or Jesus in every post – and then at times non-Christians may roll their eyes when I post a song about God’s grace. But my favorite thing was when my friend from CO asked me for some tea poems recently and just said, “could you find some non-religious” ones – and well, just a mutual, non-juding respect about beliefs allows our friendship to flourish. and that’s cool.

      anyhow, in closing, the good thing about following a blog – is that it is very easy to click UNFOLLOW – and so if you become annoyed or just feel ill after reading posts – (lol) well it may mean we were only meant to cross blog paths short term.

      I think we are similar when it comes to follows, we are not “follow happy” and we only follow blogs that we “truly want” to follow.

      in contrast, some people build their blogs by ‘follow me and I will follow you back’ – but time is precious and I refuse to clog my reader with “numbers-based followers”- who have content that I am not interested in “at this time.”

      🙂 glad you’re here – and I will not offer you snake oil! ha ha

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Ha ha. I think you might be right on all counts! And yes, we did meet on Musings blog.

        I do like to speak my mind and while I follow a fair number of blogs, I am still picky.

        I figured you were pretty open minded after touring part of your blog. I respect religion, when it’s a personal thing. Heck, I’m married to a Pagan! What I can’t abide are all the horrible things done through the world, in the name of religion. Or hypocrites who preach one thing, but act differently.

        And thank you for not trying sell me any snake oil! Now if I could just figure out how to get rid of my unwanted followers who are trying to sell me some. *annoyed face* Think I’m up to 6 or 7 of such leeches now. My post about the attracted three in less than two hours! Talk about plan backfire. 😦

        And thank you for the warm welcome. 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Oh, and Sheera my 20 year old kitty says Hi! Confession though, her birthday is actually on May 11th, Mother’s Day. Kind of fitting I think. She’s getting a couple presents this time. After, it’s not everyday a cat turns 20!

        But sshhh, it’s a secret. 😉

        Liked by 1 person

      3. oh well happy b-day then – and I have always wanted a cat but my husband and eldest son are allergic – so we are dog people – now on our second set of Labs – the current pair will be 9 in July. Have a great day!

        Liked by 1 person

  6. Love your about page! I’m going to adopt your phrase “spiritual, but not religious” which perfectly describes me. I’ve never heard it before and it is perfect! 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  7. Hi there. Hey, I like the fact that you said you don’t like to use the word Christian because it gives off the wrong idea now-a-day. When I was in Afghanistan, I learned that Christians there don’t say that they’re Christians. They say that they’re followers of Jesus. This is because Muslims respect Jesus, but they don’t respect ‘Christians’. To them, any American is a Christian. So then, Madonna is a Christian, Bill Clinton is a Christian, Hollywood actors are all Christians… I believe this is because there’s no separation of religion and state in Afghanistan. Islam is not only their religion, but it’s also the law of the land. Anyhow, now I’m rambling. I too am a woman of faith. And I too don’t like to use the word religious when speaking about my faith.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. un peu -“possibly” – but I love so many things French – and it is a pleasure to cross blog paths with you – looking forward to connecting via posts mon novel ami!!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. aha, I presumed so… Yvette and Yvonne are considered to be “old-fashioned” names in France, like Mélanie and Louise… 🙂 thanx for dropping by my crossroads, bonne chance dans toutes tes activités et à bientôt! amicalement, Mélanie

        Liked by 1 person

  8. Hi Melanie – when I was in France as a teen I was so excited to buy stationary and cheap jewelry with my name – (never had my name in the States at that time- we always had Mary, Susan, Kelly, etc.)-and I was named after one of my dad’s ex-girlfiends – lol – but it was never a sour topic because my parents just took turns naming their litter – ha!

    I was able to check out a few things on your site -loved this:
    “I met people with high degrees on several continents who did not impress me much and I also met people with no degree(s) who are more interesting and more impressive…”

    Liked by 1 person

    1. thanks Madhu – and after seeing remnants/fragrance of the Mango tree across other blogs – ’tis a pleasure to connect.


  9. We are going to click on this trust me as you can put me on SBNR group as I embrace this philosophy gladly as I always embraced this….thank you for being an educator and I loved the feel and theme of this blog.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. well thanks – and welcome to the blog world (well you’ve been a couple months now) but your encouraging outlook is adding much to this ol’ sphere!


  10. Like you, I prefer spiritual, not religious. And yes, I agree, being Christian these days has so much baggage associated with it. I respect most religions, and abhor the radicalization of them for the purpose of political gain and upholding illusions of grandeur among the gargantuan egos that abound. I even respect atheists. We still need to learn that it is possible to live in peace side by side in this world.

    Liked by 3 people

  11. Thanks for popping over to my blog and signing on for a follow. Am most intrigued with my little look around your blog so far. You seem to cover a whole range of topics! I look forward to discovering you through your posts!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. welt thanks – and I actually found your blog because I got a notice that you liked one of my comments somewhere – so thx for that too – and your blog looks very cool -. 🙂


      1. I am in the middle of a relocation (hopefully our last) right now, so you won’t have much to keep up with for a bit on my blog. I’m keeping up with the reading on others’ blogs and that’s about it. Anyway, your blog post on the boy this morning has been tearing me up since I read it. I like that you’re highlighting his plight…that’s probably the best thing I can think of to do with a blog and a gift for writing!

        Liked by 1 person

  12. Thanks for posting the update about Eric Martin of Sandston, VA. We read so much about the issue at the time of his hospitalization, but could not find follow up elsewhere.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. thanks! I actually just added those – they are all from my media library form different posts I have created here= and so I thought it would help out – and guess it worked = appreciate the feedback


  13. Hello YPrior! I am delighted to be here at yours. I’ve been having a great time. Thanks for stopping at my site. I am featuring a statement by you in quotes by great contemporary writers published every Friday. I hope you stop by to take a look.

    Liked by 3 people

  14. Do you have any interest in participating in a B&W challenge?
    I am in search of a few people to invite. It requires 5 B&W photos over 5 days…and the task of inviting a different person each day.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. oh you are so sweet – and I would say yes, but I am going to see my momma in FL and will be taking a break for a few weeks – but maybe another time… 🙂


  15. Oh Yvette, I’ve nominated you for the B&W challenge and just see that you’ve been nominated already. I hadn’t read through all your comments here.

    You know, better than most I think that blogging is all about having fun and so picking up the challenge is of course entirely optional. Whether you decide to take up the challenge or not, I want to acknowledge all the encouragement you’ve given me since I met you here. Thank-you!

    The guidelines are straightforward. In fact there are only two:
    1) On 5 consecutive days create a post using either a past or recent photo in B&W.
    2) Each day invite another blogging friend to join in the fun.

    Here’s the link to my response on day 4 of the challenge

    Liked by 3 people

  16. Hi YP, I wonder what the ‘z’ and ‘zz’ on the menu are about.
    But if the reason for the order, you can go to your ‘admin-dashboard’ page, then select
    [Appearance] + [Menus]
    It’s pretty drag and drop from there (the ‘Menu Structure’). Cheers!

    Liked by 3 people

    1. thanks – and it was for the order and while I have since learned how to do that – (got a WP link from someone) I am going to leave it cos it reminds me of last year – but thanks so much for taking the time to leave me that info. I noticed that you wrote a “dummies” book and skimmed a few of your posts – whew – meaty stuff on logic and language – made my head work!! good day to you and your wonderful brain! 🙂


        1. 🙂 – and I finally got my day 5 b & W up to invite you to join in – and I hope you do – even if not now – maybe later –


  17. Encouragement yes, and inspiration by the looks of it too. There’s much to delve into here. You seem like an interesting person too. We should start a club *laughs*. Or perhaps that’s just what our blogs are, to us.

    – sonmi upon the Cloud

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  18. Y. “Spiritual but not religious” I thought I made that up. It is the alley where I live. I like your voice, your style. Your stuff. And as you mentioned, your “encouragement.” Party on…

    Liked by 3 people

  19. Came and explored your blog after you visited “Life in Russia”, enjoyed browsing through your posts. Didn’t see a like button so I’ll “Like” it here. I lived on the east coast for a number of years. Remember visiting Virginia, the D.C. area and much more. Getting to see were the battles of where the Civil War took place will forever be etched in my mind. Very tragic.Will return from time to time to see what you are posting. Thanks for visiting mine.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Thanks – and I found your blog through Kathy Simmons post – and so glad I did – your Russia title grabbed me – and anyhow, I have since learned I like your outlook in so many areas – thanks for dropping by and for the “like”


  20. Thanks for stopping by my blog. I love your quotes page and would like to link up to one or two of the quotes for my Proverbial Thursday feature on my blog, if I may. Particularly I like the Martin Luther quote!
    I used to follow your blog but somehow your blog has dropped off my list of wordpress blogs. Glad to have found you again, or that you found me! Some of your comics are a riot! Kind regards, Amanda

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Oh thanks Amanda – and I was glad to be at your blog recently too! Thanks for this nice comment and I actually was going to ask you if I could use one of your quotes for this page, but have not had the chance yet – the one from the ancestry page about who we are is from who we “were” – oh so good – and that serendipity you write of – so cool when this happens –
      Anyhow – I am honored to read this and help yourself to any and all – because I believe they are all giving credit to the rightful place –

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Hi again Prior, Thanks for your prompt response. So glad that you liked my little quote about our inherited DNA stuff!! Of course you may add it to your page! I am happy that you wanted to do that! It seems we had a bit of serendipity or synchronicity of our own happening. Great minds think alike!! Lol. Thanks so much for consenting to me using some of the quotes on my blog. That is very kind of you. I would love you to do a guest post for my Proverbial Thursday feature Quotes and proverbs, about peace, with one of your wonderful comics and memes, one day, if you have time and would be interested!

        Liked by 2 people

        1. Oh thanks for the invite and I would love to guest post – and late this weekend i will check out more of those back posts – that Thursday theme is a good one – and I will back to comment on the ancestry page –
          And so glad to comment chat in real time / love when this happens –
          Have a Great night

          Liked by 2 people

        2. Yes. I agree. Real time is just like a real conversation! No stress on the time factor. Enjoy your sleep. The day is only half over here! Well, your tomorrow really!!! It is a funny old world. Good night!

          Liked by 2 people

        3. Oh yes – the time zones!! One thing I love about blogging is that global connection -hope you enjoy the rest of your Thursday 💙💙❤️❤️

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    1. Thank you so much for adding me to your list!
      I was actually thinking about this #fridayfood challenge ever since I read that initial post I read when I first found your blog. A couple of years ago I ran one called triple shot Friday- but it sort of stopped on its own! Lol and so that is why this one I planned a theme for the coming 12 months . It gave the idea some more structure – while also lots of flexibility (monthly)
      -and again – what I liked about your post was the way you noted that some blogs who host challenges have effort and work!
      Anyhow – I am not interested in whatever publicize is, but I like challenges for the social side (share as community) and the way it can focus creative aims, which I know u know.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. I tried hosting challenges when I first started blogging, and they went no where. Then I realized how much work they were because you don’t just put them up there and let people post their pictures. You actually have to post, too! I did not have enough pictures to keep it going, and since they were about specific communities where I did not live, the idea died of natural causes. I’m trying to get book reviews started for people who review books, but that isn’t working very well either. However, it is something that I do anyway, so I’ll continue it. It’s not a photo challenge. I don’t know about you, but I find photo challenges more fun to participate in than writing challenges even though I love to write. The good news out of all this is that we have discovered each other’s blogs. 🙂

        Liked by 2 people

        1. I agree = I am glad to have crossed paths.

          and again – one of my favorite things I liked that you pointed out was the work involved in hosting – I guess that applies to other areas in life – like hosting small groups or parties – it takes work.

          I think the best reason to do a challenge is for oneself – and it sounds like your book review share is in that vein and so maybe it needs time to percolate – I will be over to check it out later – TTYL

          Liked by 2 people

        1. no worries – and I promise to leave a review for your book – how could I forgot that – will try and check it off this week.
          five stars amigo – even tho I did bring up that one little part to you – I like your writing and you put care into your stories with a good vibe. 🙂 The author always trickles into his work and you are a good dude


  21. Very nice, eclectic, worldly, and FUN! An honor to meet you and have you stop by my blog. My site for the past year has been so wrapped up in the writing, research, design and publishing of my 8th fiction book. This is the book I was blessed and placed upon this earth to write, even though all my fictional works have a mission and a crusade. I mention this because my blog is normally very eclectic too with poetry on any subject imaginable, editing, mentoring–and not just on editorial and design/formatting/content and development rescue–but psychology, paranormal activity, women’s/children’s rights and support, and especially young woman with SLE Lupus, which I have survived for 24 years. I see wonderful commonalities as we reach out to help others with laughter and beauty. A honor to make your acquaintance.

    Liked by 4 people

    1. Oh thanks for your nice comment and sharing about your current blog status!
      And I am honored hat you find commonalities in our “variety” –
      And sorry to hear about the lupus – I knew a few folks in Florida (all ladies) who were managing it…. whew – not fun…
      Anyhow – congrats on all of your books but especially the one you are so proud of ….

      Liked by 2 people

      1. I love your phrasing “especially the one you are so proud of”. Yes, Annie is very special to me. I don’t know as a Christian how I feel about past lives, but I sure feel like I was Annie in the mid-1600s. Yes, Lupus is a woman’s auto-immune disorder. 90% women, in fact, even though a man does pop up with it sometimes. It only adds to the dilemma of what causes it. It has baffled medical science for decades. It has been linked to DNA, but no rhyme or reason for familial progression. I’m doing okay. I am so gracious for your kindness. My blog has been suffering while I’ve been working on Annie. If I can ever learn how to promote my writing instead of editing for others, maybe I can do what I want most to do … write fiction. Tough market out there. My Denny Ryder Paranormal Crime Series (short novellas with a unmedicated psychopathic Schizophrenic serial killer) has been reviewed well too, just not nearly enough. Again, not having the time to promote. I’ve vowed to take the time with Annie. Lol So nice to meet you!

        Liked by 2 people

  22. Great site with it’s combination of everything blending together to create joy. We smiled at your “about” statement and the comment “my original intended audience never came – but I met friends and reached a different audience.”. This was sooooo true of our site. The ones we thought would be there weren’t but we discovered soooooooo many other wonderful people dreaming their dreams and stepping out in faith. Again…. so glad you stopped by our site so we could discover yours.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Thanks for the comment and glad we share that commonality- I almost took that out because I want to update this page, but maybe I should leave it in.
      And one of your posts was linked at the bottom of a blog I was visiting/ and I love your blog! And right now your day 27 of traveling is fun to peek in on!

      Liked by 2 people

  23. What an eye you have for images! I love these. And, I found it interesting that you started your blog and the “expected” audience didn’t come . . . but you found another community. My experience has echoed yours. Very nice!

    Liked by 3 people

  24. Beautiful About page. Wish I didn’t take so long to stop by here. Love the touch of courage and the positivity you share on this blog through what excites you. It looks like you always get around town, see places and come across people. That shot of grapes look so random…yet I can’t help but feel drawn to it. They are so cheery in their own little way and I am sure they like the limelight on your blog 😀

    One of my favourite things about your blog is your random shots of people over the years. They may be ordinary, but you always make them look like they have a sense of dedicated purpose in this world. Beautifully done.

    Liked by 4 people

    1. thanks so much dear Mabel. I appreciate your feedback and your comment reminds me that I need to post some of my street portraits very soon – I have been a little backlogged with them because I am doing the art project this year – 🙂
      and the grapes are from Canada and they remind me of a very special trip we had visiting family. They are wine grapes and were delicious to eat….

      Liked by 2 people

    1. Diane – thanks so very much. And have to tell you that a while ago, my husband thought your blog name was Indian Ski something – we laughed – he was just peeking at a post I had some comments on and I laughed. he loves the blgo handles some folks have… but he quickly saw it was In Diane’s kitchen… ha h

      Liked by 2 people

      1. That’s so funny because I had someone ask me why I don’t post Indian recipes since that’s the name of my blog…lol So he’s not alone. I get a lot of hits because people think that’s what it is! Unintentional…lol

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Yeah – we read the words we see first – I once had a handle that i wanted to read ten thousand charms – and it looked like tent house – lol (and side note – i hope you have some indian recipes )

          Liked by 2 people

  25. Thanks so much for the follow and the kind comment today, Yvette. It is a real pleasure to meet you. Thanks for the laughs today. It has been awhile since I have read a good comic 😊

    Liked by 1 person

    1. well thanks for coming by to read them…
      and I have seen your blog come up a few places this month and finally went to check it out – and (as noted) could not leave without commenting on that wordless wednesday bird photo –


    1. oh right on (and write on – ha)
      and you are right – I did leave it off – and will fix that now- thx for letting me know –
      and I love the sunday fiction crowd – 🙂


  26. I’ve been doing the Sunday Photo Fiction prompt for years! You might also like:
    https://carrotranch.com/ a global community as well.
    The big restriction to the prompts are that the stories are 99 words no more no less.

    Mostly I post those (as well as SPF) at my fiction place, but I also have a short and long verse place in an attempt to get organized… so I post my entry where the category fits…

    I taught years ago. Now I teach my grands… Cheers, Jules

    Liked by 1 person

    1. thanks author Jules – and I have read a few of your entires at the wonderful Carrot Ranch. Also, a goal of mine is to start joining you all – and plan to be over there again later this year
      happy writing and blogging amiga

      Liked by 1 person

  27. Hi Prior. WordPress let me know that you stopped by my story blog today. Thanks and welcome. I also noted in the above that you are involved in education. With the hopes that you like unique takes on how things are done in education: I invite you to review what I did one year while teaching for UC Berkeley Extension in the Computer Science department. It proved to be lots of fun and it really helped the students get their minds around a tough topic. Regardless, I hope you stop by again. There are lots of stories with family, or young boys getting into trouble or surviving same. Here’s the story I mentioned above. It’s great to meet you.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Oh you really are funny, Abrie – “prior” to reading this i was considering it…
      thanks for taking time to leave a comment and um, I know why you love my husband’s hairstyle…. you both are kindred –

      Liked by 2 people

    1. my pleasure – and I really do like your work (also – you seem to be int he reader right when I log on… so it is fortunate that i get to see your posts when they are fresh off the press)

      Liked by 1 person

  28. I just deleted your comment I don´t know how I did it.
    And you where laghing at me… how can that be?

    This is the first time I wondered into your ¨about¨page, you are beautiful and have good looking kids.
    Hey! If the blond women is over 18….come on, you can tell her how great I It was nice to see what it seems a perfect familly, love ya……Don´t laugh at me, fu..k it, Im the first to laugh at me.

    This post was a bit nutty, I think I know too much, but they seem like good kids so give them a brake and dont be too harsh on them.

    Liked by 1 person

  29. Your Lady by the River post looks awesome, as does my initial flick through of your book. Well done. Sorry to be joining the party late (or gate crashing it 😳). I have just downloaded a sample of LADY by the RIVER onto my kindle reading device (my phone). It is queued up behind Outlawed Hope by Na’ama Yehuda (currently 49% through) and Fate’s Drift by David Cairns and Sebastian Faulk’s Human Traces. Hopefully I can get back to you before too long with my thoughts? If you don’t mind, I could blog a review? In a previous life (before my mother died) I reviewed for newspapers.


    Liked by 2 people

    1. Kelvin – I would be honored for a review – no matter what your opinion is of it I can take it – hah – and truly would love that. The other books in your reader sound pretty darn good. And good stuff in keeps all that good stuff happening in that ol’ noggin of yours – so you can keep the good output – and I plan to review your book too. I have just been a bit in the weeds this summer – life stuff and then rib recovery has not been fun…
      thanks for the comment here and you made my day (once again)
      peace to you too


    1. thanks for the comment and your moon posts in July 2019 are a very wonderful collection and what a nice series to have in the blogosphere – looking forward to the remaining days with this theme

      Liked by 1 person

  30. Hi Yvette,
    For the past couple of weeks we’ve been writing about how we’re simplifying our life – and we invited you to share your thoughts on the subject. The response was wonderful! Thanks so much.

    We loved reading your real-life experiences and have included them in our next post with a shout out to you and link to your blog. It will be published next Monday, July 29.

    Thanks again. You made our day!
    Terri & James @ gallivance.net

    Liked by 2 people

    1. thanks for letting me know – and I have been following your blog for years (you might know that – and I love how you guys laugh so much together and have that couples’ joy)
      and honored to be included in the upcoming post.
      thanks for letting me know

      Liked by 2 people

  31. Thank you for sharing so much of your life with the world at large! I particularly love your family photos. Watching the evolution of your children is especially interesting to me. Like you, I spent most of my adult life as an educator. In 1992 I earned my first Master degree in Library Sciences. An early professional appointment was at the Epilepsy Foundation here in Maryland which I found most rewarding in terms of both public service and personal growth. Later, I became the first librarian at the University of Southern California to earn tenure in ten years (2005). There I was a member of the faculty at the Keck School of Medicine, Dahlgren Medical Library. Most of my adult life was spent in academia: Georgetown University and USC. Because of disability, I was forced to retire in 2009. I find this time of year bittersweet, as it represented a very busy period- back to school orientation, and such. I will be following your blog with great interest here on in! Cheers, Russell

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Hi Russell – sorry for the delayed reply – thanks for the comment – and an extra thanks for your previous work as an educator –
      and I have been following your blog for years now – since 2014 – and respect and admire your work with the homeless. 🙂


      1. I am not sure why now I asked. Perhaps ‘Mum’ was trying to assesses one of my closed accounts? If I don’t recognize the person I don’t allow access. I know my icon goes to a closed account. But if you are visiting a current post of mine through a link – it will be the site that is now open. Though the title of the blog also does not match the link of the blogsite. And I am not going to change it because I do not want to go to the new ‘Block Editor’ I like how I run my site and do not want to be forced into changes I don’t like. 🙂 Cheers.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. I know what you mean about not chengin cover so keep doing what works for you.
          and thanks for the reply – I think you are right – I might have linked to the closed account –
          and be over any to check in a bit more – good day to you Jules

          Liked by 1 person

    1. well thanks so much for saying that – and as noted before – I did change the about page a few times and accidentally deleted some special comments – but we move on – thanks for the visit Maria

      Liked by 1 person

  32. The family pictures are a wonderful addition to the “About Me” page! I feel like I know you better through them.
    Love the foofy dog comic. Sometimes I look in the mirror and get shocked by what I see too. lol


    1. Hahahah – thanks for making me laugh about the mirror and shock – that is kind of why i love that goofy dog comic so much too –
      and appreciate you checking out this page – I recently updated it and almost took off all the family photos _ to simplify maybe – but then i thought – heh – might as well leave them – and so your comment was a bit of an affirmation – appreciate it and have a good day


  33. My pleasure! We need a sense of humor about getting older. I may need to print out a copy of that comic. lol
    The family photos are wonderful and it’s nice to see the different seasons of your life. Unique!


    1. Thanks again – and quick note – I did not see that comic as relating to age or getting older – (but we sure do have differ takes on comics and that is what makes them great – eh?)
      And to me – the comic is more about “dealing with what God has given us with genetics and environment” – so our gender, hair color and texture, skin tone, size, voice, innate talents- well we did not pick those – we can alter it a bit – but He made us each so uniquely – and sometimes when we look in the mirror we finally see what other have been seeing – or we just realize we “got what we got” – do you know what I mean??


      1. Different interpretation is right! I like your analysis of it of realizing who we are instead of our persona. When we feel good about ourselves, we exhibit a better self to others and smile gets larger.
        God’s spirit lives in us and he made us all different. The world’s beauty standards preach one version, but in God’s eyes, we’re all beautiful. I wish I could remember this more often. Each scar is a reminder and badge of what we have overcome with God’s grace.


    1. Hey there – I do the same thing – ((love the reader)) but I appreciate you checking out the full site here and also enjoyed your feedback on the flower comic. First, it reminded me how a simple little comic can tell a story or deliver a layered message that stirs us. Second, I know what you mean about laughing and then feeing the blah message with it too –
      🙂 have a great day and thanks for taking the time to leave a comment here


  34. Hi Yvette, I found you through a mutual friend, I believe it was Robbie, and I enjoyed your latest poetry book on birds. My sister has always owned around 5 huge parrots, so I passed it on to her, knowing she’d enjoy your thoughts, too. One of the things I love about your book is how you tied your feathery friend observations into life for humans. It’s nice to meet you and I look forward to reading more. ❤️

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Lauren! I am so honored that you passed my book on to your sister! I hope she likes it
      And wow – parrots are special birds (from the little I know) as they are so intelligent !
      I appreciate you taking the time to leave a comment and nice to meet you through Robbie’s post!
      I look forward to staying in touch

      Liked by 1 person

  35. No, please don’t delete, Yvette. We all come from different aspects and it’s good to try to understand, without judgement. I often feel misunderstood online so I’m really glad to have found agreement on this. Till the next time, or ate logo, as we say in Portugal.
    This was my reply, but you’ve already flown the coup. Till next time, hon…

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks so much Jo- and as we already shared via email – it was an experimenting post anyhow (block editor) and so I extra appreciate the feedback – have a great week my friend


  36. Just caught up with your blog and read some of your interviews with great pleasure. The only blogger I know among the intervoewees is Restless Jo and I’ve been a fan of hers for many years. Her words never fail to cheer me up.


    1. Thanks so much for checking out my log and posts
      And Mari, I feel
      Like I have seen your name here and there over the years! And I am glad to finally officially connect!
      Wishing you a great day and thanks again for the visit


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