LEADING LINES: Lens-Artists Photo Challenge #80


This week, the lens-artist theme is “leading lines”

Go here, to Tina’s blog, to join in or to see more entries.

Here is the Priorhouse take: 

1) Lines leading “into” the city… (I was a passenger when these photos were taken…)
2) Lines while going “through” the city


3) Lines in wood – leading the way – straight but with slight variations – 🙂 
4) Lines leading up, up and away…. 


5) Lines showing boundaries (walking path), designations (signs), spacing (sidewalk lines for anti-crack measures), and designer lines (in the building’s exterior). 

for Becky’s Squares:

6) Lines for safety and lights in the distance….
7) Line of the straw leading us right into an Irish Coffee….


All these lines remind me of what we get in life:

We get led “into” things, we go “through” things. Trials can come at us “straight on, but with slight variations,” sometimes we get lifted “up and away,” and then other times we need to stay put and we need “boundaries, designations, spacing, and design.”  Then throughout life, we have the safety net of God’s provision and His light… to fill and assuage every need. Ahhh… and maybe there is a time for that Irish coffee. 

Need more information for the Lens-Artists Photo Challenge?  

Use these links:

Week 1–Patti of https://pilotfishblog.com/














44 thoughts on “LEADING LINES: Lens-Artists Photo Challenge #80

  1. A creative approach to the prompt, Yvette. You must have been out early to get the photo of the way into the city: I’ve driven to a number of UK cities and the roads are never as empty as that!

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  2. I feel like this post took me through some cityscapes and it made me realize how long it has been since I have been in a big city. I am currently living near the biggest city on the island, but it is still probably smaller than the city I grew up in (which is also fairly small) it was fun to visit a different place with your post!

    Have a great week!

    ❤ Alana

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    1. Thanks Tina – that closing thought was spur oof the moment – I actually had one of your quotes in there from your post – but took it out to go in a different direction – but I still hope to tide the quote soon…

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  3. You’ve selected strong examples of leading lines, Yvette. I love what you wrote about the Irish coffee! We all need a little comfort now and again–it’s true.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Leading lines are always good to get into pictures. They are good bring our attention to the picture or object in the picture. I guess it a good trick to our mind. Your bridge and the stair rails are good ones!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Is that in RVA Yvette? I see the elevated rail car – we have something similar here in downtown Detroit with our elevated rail system called “The People Mover”.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Linda – yes, that is here in Richmond, but it is for regal r cars and it is not a rail. However, I do know the kind of rails you are talking about – and The people Mover sounds like a fun simple name… haha

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      1. It was quite a novelty when it was first built and it looks just like the Monorail at Disneyland … I’ve not been to Disney World, so don’t know if they have it there as well.


  6. Good eye for lines and I might add I am especially fond of the lines to the Irish coffee! If I’m not mistaken there was some golf going on . We have played in Vegas and Phoenix. Although I am a complete beginner I thought it was set up in a great way so that all could enjoy, beginner or expert.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Sue – I firmly agree that they have it set up where any level can play. And I do not love golf – but Top Golf is a wonderful idea and cool that you have been to Vegas one (ia it in your Vegas book?) and the Phoenix one – I have only been to the Kansas City one and the Richmond one. The food is medium plus and the golf fun is just great.


  7. What a fun gallery, Great job … lines leading in all directions. My pick has to “through the city”. Can’t wait to see your red gallery. *smile

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