Song by Sade

While scrolling through the WordPress reader, I like to listen to the music people post – sometimes it is a nice addition to checking in on different blogs that I follow.  Sometimes I turn the song off right away, but other times, I let it play.  And earlier, “Nola Roots, Texas Heart” posted a Sade song.  Wow!  I have not heard a Sade  song in such a long time – and this one, titled By Your Side, was moving.

I stopped scrolling posts and just listened.


if that vid does not play – try this:

This also brought back a Denver memory – it was the time that I heard Renee Bondi speak (website is here).  It was so inspiring. It changed my life – for the better.

Well let me back up.  Because it is kind of cool how I ended up there.  You see, a lady from the church I went to, one of the nicer ones, not one of the cold, mean-spirited ladies – like the one that yelled at me for giving youth group kids some cookies from the fridge –  – you know – the cookies that were for outreach, but I soon found out that this reaching out did not apply to our very own “in-house” children, even when in need of sustenance. 

Anyhow, one of the sweet ladies from this church came up to me and asked if I would fill a seat at a lunch table the following day.  It was a fundraiser table that she sponsored and because of cancellations she was trying to fill a half-empty table.  Now I think some readers know this about me, but I really try to help out when I can!

Try to….  And even though this involved a complimentary lunch, at one hundred dollars a plate, I initially declined because my day was already SO full. You know, it was before I learned the value of having life margins.  

rocky mountains in denver, co
a view of Denver from Nesa’s side porch.

Well this lady insisted I just show up at the luncheon for “as long as I could” – and reluctantly I agreed.  

I was regretting it and was crabby about it all morning. Complete inconvenience because this now meant I was really dressed up for all of my morning errands, there was a bit of traffic on the way, and then parking in downtown Denver was annoying.  Also, arriving late and leaving a tad bit early felt like I was being totally rude- so yeah, I was crabby.  Yet I pushed on. To keep my word, but I also felt that “need to go” – that pull inside, where you just know you have to go and do something.

 There was one cool lady at the table, and that helped.  Then, after the meal, the speaker, Renee Bondi, came rolling out in a wheelchair.  What?  Wow! This speaker was a quadriplegic and I was now curious to hear her story (and decided to put my book back in my purse – just kidding, but sometimes I do bring books to help ease the pain pass the time if the speaker is horrid). 

As the coffee was served, her story poured out to where you could hear a pin drop in the room.  When she was 29 years old, she was a voice coach and engaged to be married to start a family – and then she had a BIZARRE accident. She went to sleep one night and while in dream mode, she got up out of bed and tried to take a dive – and when she landed, on the carpet, she injured her back.  Make that – she “shattered her spine and it left her quadriplegic.”

Riveting story – and so sad.

A view of Denver, CO

But the best part of the lunch experience that day came when Renee began to SING.  I had never heard a speaker that integrated singing into the presentation – and I guess her voice, which was damaged for a while, well it was amazingly restored after the accident.  And she has one great voice.  

Her “paintbrush” voice sang words that pierced everything and she reminded the crowd that “those who hope in God will renew their strength… they will soar on wings like eagles… and they will run and not grow weary, He will raise you up….He will raise you up…”  It was moving and my attitude changed- not just for that day, but a gratefulness for the basic things permeated my being.  

So are you wondering how this relates to Sade’s song? You see, Renee and her husband still went ahead and got married.  Renee-Mike-portrait-Wedding-photoWow.  Such sweet commitment and it represents such love. 

Now we ALL know that some relationships JUST do not work out. I truly believe there are very good reasons for times of parting ways, getting divorced, or just times when moving on is best for all.   

But in Renee’s case, and in this Sade song, we see that when the fit is right, there is this unconditional love  – a time when we’ll be there “through thick and thin” – and if you want to cry, I am here to dry your eyes…”

And I say thanks to “Nola Roots, Texas Heart” for posting such a sweet song yesterday!  Here are a few of the words:

“By Your Side”

You think I’d leave your side baby

You know me better than that

You think I’d leave you down when you’re down on your knees

I wouldn’t do that

I’ll tell you you’re right when you want

Ha ah ah ah ah ah….oh

And if only you could see into me

Oh, when you’re cold…

I’ll be there

Hold you tight

to me…

More here



19 thoughts on “Song by Sade

  1. I got shivers down my spine when you told us her story. What an amazing experience to hear her speak and sing – so inspiring.


  2. I so needed this inspiration to start the morning! 🙂 But, wow what a mean lady to give you grief over cookies, geez some people huh?

    That’s really sad about the lady who sleep walked and woke up quadriplegic, I so applaud her for her bravery in sharing her story. That’s not easy to do, especially emotionally 😦


    1. Thanks Andy – and you know, some of the MEANEST people I have ever met have been inside the church – (licking wounds still now) but also – some of the sweetest people I have ever met have been form church too – but it does go to show you that you just never know – and I like how you say it “geez some people huh?” (simple but spot on!)

      and I do have to say that the kids were exhausted that day – and we arrived back quite late and we used restraint – but the cookies were refreshing and life giving – a little cold – but even though I got yelled at – I’d do it again because it was a mini party! ha….

      anyhow, have a great day 🙂


  3. Thank you for sharing this inspiring story! How moving to be there and listen to the beautiful song.


    1. oh I am so glad it brought some brightness – 🙂 – and that is what your earth day flower photo did for me today as well – muy bueno for that mi amiga!!!
      have a great earth day and a great week.


    1. well that is extra cool that your favorite line is that one because of your extensive lit background – that is just cool….
      and my favorite line….
      let’s see,

      “You think I’d leave you down when you’re down on your knees” – because it whispers of the times when we can all feel that “season of flop” or just hard days – where we need support –

      no wait…

      this is my favorite line from this song:

      “You know me better than that….”



  4. What an inspirational story of love,resilience, strength, and faith! She does has a beautiful voice & a wonderful sense of humor! Thanks for sharing this 🙂


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