Manhattan in October of 2001 (#Kindasquare Day 10)

Here in the States we are “kind of” United – but we need to pull together more — Drop the hate – let kindness in

Hello Readers,  

Last September (on 9/11/2020), Marc Anthony (here) shared some of his journal entries from October 10th back in 2001. He was visiting ground zero after the attack there on 9/11/2001.

It was a powerful post and I knew I wanted to reference it on my blog at some point. So we could all make sure we “never forget” and remember to “stay united” as the years roll on.

Thought about sharing his post maybe next year.

However, today is the perfect time – because it is the date of his 2001 journal entries, October 10th.  Also -with the heavy politics right now (and the sensationalized, hyper-charged bias permeating news stories on both sides – ugh!) – Well the folks in the United States need to remember we are fellow citizens — different but alike — and we should have more kindness towards each other.

As Marc put it:

” . . . Why do our differences generate so much hatred…”

 Remember that we can have different views but still BE UNITED WITH KINDNESS.  Can we drop the hate and remember we are not enemies?!

Below is a sampling of the original post

You can read the orginal  Be Sorry….less” post is here


Sample 1:

Sample 2: 

” . . . Why do our differences generate so much hatred until something like this happens?

. . . Nothing divides us inside these shrines. Not race, not color, not party, not sexual preference. Inside these shrines, we’re all the same. Human beings. Why do we have to be knocked on our asses before we stop using these differences as a weapon? Before we start appreciating the fact that we’re all stories and not cardboard. Before we understand the intrinsic value in our differences.

. . . I picked up a teddy bear and held it for a while. She was twenty nine. Her father had left it there along with a letter”  (Marc Anthony @ Sorry… Less blog)

Sample 3:


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And here is a little more info about the author of these moving journal notes:


Thanks for reading.

Let’s  remember that we should not be treating each other like the enemy.

It could distract us from the more important things.

Kindness goes a long way and a soft answer turns away wrath.



Day 10 of the Squares Challenge.

Care to join in with squares this month?
The theme is KIND and more info on Becky’s blog (here)










26 thoughts on “Manhattan in October of 2001 (#Kindasquare Day 10)

  1. A beautiful post, Yvette, with powerful words – both yours and Marc’s. It’s such a shame that we need that reminder.


  2. We were so united post 9/11. We should not need national tragedy to bring us together again – let’s just respect each others different views points but realize we are all earthlings!


    1. I agree and you are so right about how United we all were – I was so inspired to se US flags on fences – railings – street lamps – and shirts with the flag – there was that unity – and yes – “earthlings” 😊💕

      Liked by 1 person

  3. A powerful and moving post, Yvette. I am also a firm believer on “never forget.” “…different but alike…..kindness towards each other.” Marc Anthony reinforces how every little bit of help can make a difference. “…the way I felt that night.”

    It makes me very sad, when a retired pastor loses faith in mankind. I have bookmarked this post and I will read more of Marco’s words. Tears brimming “…surrounded by heroes and we walked with angels.”

    You remind me of an exhibit I heard that was touring North America (U.S. and Canada). Something along the lines of Real Bodies and the human form. Friends of ours saw it and the first thing they mentioned is how you could not tell race or colour with the skin removed. We are all alike.


    1. Oh Erica/Erika…. I love that part about the skin being removed – I heard Ben Carson say something about how most of the time when he did surgery – he never knew the skin color of the patient.
      And of course there are times we need to note some of what makes us different – lie there are times when our heritage and dna makes us different – like we saw white hair albinos at the beach last year and they said they had to watch sun exposure different from someone else – and an Asian friend from school said she feels her ancestry and body make up does better without dairy – and some folks argue that blood type can hint at what meats make you thrive – like “type O” does better with red meats.
      Anyhow – there is pride and hatred fueling some of the stuff that is being presented as “everywhere” when it is not – there is a lot of love and friendship going on at street corners and I neighborhoods – but sometimes the sensationalized stories get looped and wear people out!
      Anyhow – not lie you need another blog to follow – but do check out Marc’s blog for his “heroes” posts – they are good news stories that sprinkle much good into the airwaves – and appreciate you letting comment 😊

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Learning about our culture and ancestry and blood type is important and often helpful. You are right Yvette, how often the “good” is not reported or highlighted. Thank you for the good news recommendation.😊


  4. Yes, this time we are under strong political storms and this “Remember that we can have different views but still BE UNITED WITH KINDNESS. Can we drop the hate and remember we are not enemies?!” is a great reminder for all of us. I know during the middle of debate from a totally opposite view, keeping taps on break isn’t easy thing to do. However, we should leave the session without any personal grudges against each other, with respect each other’s opinions, with an attempt to see why you can’t see the same view as the opposite side sees and with an attempt to find a good reason to show your view.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ion – YC – well said!
      “we should leave the session without any personal grudges against each other, with respect each other’s opinions, with an attempt to see why you can’t see the same view as the opposite side sees and with an attempt to find a good reason to show your view.”
      I agree!!
      And may I also add that candidates could use some
      Basic training in the rules of a good argument –

      Our candidates have arguing fallacies (both sides) with “straw person” – “invalid appeal to authority”
      “Begging the question” – “ad hominem” or mistakenly thinking that it was ad hominem and then constantly saying “I won’t be lectured…”
      Oh make them take a course on “sharpening their argumentative skills”

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Yvette,

    If only those lessons had been learned, but I fear we have gone backwards and sideways since that time. Thing is, there is plenty of good happening, even if it’s not showing up in the nightly news, it’s still there. And that’s where we have to keep ourselves. Inside those places where goodness prevails.

    Thank you for this beautiful thing you have done. You’re special



    1. Oh that was so nice to read and I am glad to be blog friends
      And not just because you and Dale introduced me (and then my entire famiky) to the sandwich Cubano – i!! Haha

      Liked by 1 person

  6. A lot of people were surprised this pandemic did not unite people like 9/11 did, but that was 19 years ago and we did not live in a nation with such hatred and division like now.


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