Friday Food – Buffalo Chicken Wings (and October Round Up)


Hello readers – I hope you are having a nice month of November so far.

For the “Friday Food” November challenge, which features the theme of meat this month, I am sharing a photo of some chicken wings that we enjoyed on a recent trip to Buffalo, NY.


And just a reminder, if you would like to join in on the Friday Food challenge, it is monthly challenge and you can share every Friday or once a month.

If you want to join in, just link to this post or link to the main page (here), or just leave a comment here and then I will add your link in the monthly round-up. 

And speaking of the monthly round-up, here are the entries from October 2016. Thanks to those who joined in. I knew it would be fun to explore some food posts, but I ended up learning too.  I learned a few interesting facts about some veggies, learned a new word (beneficent) and I also learned a little more about the bloggers who have shared.

October Friday Food Round Up:

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Lady lee Manilla gave us a farmer’s market shot with some fresh veggies on display:

The enormous bags to the front and the long tomato shelf  had a culture rich feel. Veggie displays are so similar across countries, yet some of the small differences reveal a bit about local packaging styles and supplies.


Deb at travel with intent gave us (Spicy here) and the muted yellow in this photo, with the strong horizontals, really highlighted how everyday items can be captured with an artsy feel.  Deb has such variety in her travel posts and the spices from Brighton reminded me of The Profit’s latest business, which is the American Tea and Spice Shop (here)


Pure butterfly linked up with a beautiful and vibrant down view

I love the brightly colored FRESHness here:


Lady Lee manilla gave us a fun mini lesson on squash, which was perfect for October:

here is a snippet:  “Well, to keep it simple, pumpkin is one type of squash and squash generally refers to four species of genus cucurbita, including the species to which pumpkin belongs.”


Priorhouse squash (yes, I bake them with the seeds like this….):


Dahlia shared Jackfruit with a wonderful description of an item that is both a fruit and veggie:

Here is a snippet:

“If one is not careful while eating this, it can slip down the throat and cause choking – been there done that! I prefer the other variety which is crisp and chewy and is also less sweet. By the way, the jack fruit is the national fruit of Bangladesh.”


Tish shared a very personal post that warmed my heart because she went out of her way to create the post for the very first Friday Food challenge:

here is a snippet:

“So here you have them, my favourite beans, caught at the allotment in a sunset glow. Not that they need external aids to enhance their beanificent beauty. Not for nothing do the Italians call them: Borlotto Lingua di Fuoco –  Fire Tongue.

I love everything about them. I love growing them. I love the way their pods change colour through the summer – from green to deep claret. Then, as picking time draws near, the leaves turn yellow, and start to fall, revealing hanging rows of glowing pods.”


Ark at a tale untold shared these fun and enormous heads of cabbage:

It was so nice to peek around this blog…


Priorhouse baby ginger:



Okay, if I have missed anybody, I apologize in advance and I will add your post to an upcoming round-up. 

 Fridays are fun for so many reasons, and sharing a #Fridayfood photo can be a nice way to ease into the weekend. 


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35 thoughts on “Friday Food – Buffalo Chicken Wings (and October Round Up)

  1. It is nice seeing everyone’s Friday foods. So many different varieties. Those chicken wings look absolutely delicious, and I hope you and company lapped up every single one of them. Maybe they came with some sauce too, I don’t know but I’m guessing so 😀 Interesting that you note veggie displays look similar around the world. Come to think of it, I think that is very much true and also another difference is the quantity and quality of foods in different places.

    Looking forward to catching up with you again soon, very, very soon. The finish line is here. Could not have been more stoked 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Mabel – the wings came with the classic ” blue cheese” and celery side- and I normally hate blue cheese, but this one was great! I will try and share a photo – and it was fifty cent wing night so we had fun trying a bunch of different kinds – the house special had a unique spice blend, which was a treat .
      And be over to visit soon…


      1. Fifty cent wing night. What good timing and what a treat for you and company. Hope you get to eat wings as good as that some day. You never know, there could be a place near you that does them great too 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Well my husband used to make some really great wings – had the fryer and all that – but I was torn about the health part of frying and all that – but now he still makes them – just less.
          And there is actually a national chain called BW3s and guess they started from the buffalo area to bring authentic buffalo wings to the rest of country – and guess what? They also tried bring the “beef on weck” sandwiches

          but I guess that did not take off and they dropped it – but they started off with buffalo “wild wings and weck” – and they are doing pretty well and have good wings. And last side note – I kinda would not want to eat them weekly anyway – but a few times a year is good


        2. Fried food is certainly not the best for us but glad you know your portions. Once in a while is okay, and in a way, that comes across as a treat. A highly enjoyable treat.

          You do have a lot of great food there in the States. I will keep BW3 in mind if and when I do visit… 🙂

          Liked by 1 person

        3. Hi M! Well my husband insists that Buffalo is one of the best places to eat and I might have to agree – and regarding the fried food – the good news is that many places are using better oils and getting away from trans fats
          So that’s s plus!
          And I think mr wobbles would
          Love BW3s selections too – ha

          Liked by 1 person

  2. I am glad that I had my evening meal. The wings look mouth watery 🙂 The picture from “Pure Butterfly” is awesome – love the saturated and strong contrast look.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi YC – the wings were some of the best I have ever had in Buffalo – they added nutmeg!
      And pure butterfly’s original photo is also a large image so the vibrant colors were more alive.
      Ok – sending virtual wings

      Liked by 1 person

        1. Well I will share a part 2 later – just showing the variety – also – it was this very special time with my nephew –
          Anyhow – have a nice day YC

          Liked by 1 person

  3. Hmmm, food! Now there’s a subject dear to the heart, Yvette. 🙂 Trying to think what naughty indulgences I’ve had lately. Some awfully nice cookies come to mind, but there’s not even crumbs to photograph. 😦 Will catch up with you soon, hon. Tight for time today. Have a great weekend! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Apologies for missed out loads of your posts over last couple of months, Yvette 🙂

    So good to see this challenge and I would really try to take part in it once I have the right images 🙂

    Now it’s lunch time here and I would say, the cover image forced me to take a break and I have to continue after the lunch break 🙂

    Have a beautiful day 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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