Elements in B & W (victor hugo snippet)

I am combining challenges today (6 images).

Part 1 is my response to Paula’s Guest this week.  Photographer Tobias said, Perspective – geometry – black and white photography: This is how things seem to connect.  Against this background, I would like you to challenge the idea that perspective is inevitable in a photo. If you like, make two photos of the same object: One containing as much and the other one as little perspective as you can.”  Go here to join in and go here to see S & S’s bird post for this challenge. 


second shot of tree
Perspective #A
tree 3
Perspective #B


For part 2, I am joining Lisa D. with her invite to “post photos of the four classical elements: Earth, Water, Air, Fire.



earth 2
Earth… and water.



Water…. and air.


Air…. and fire (or at least some heat).
all the elements
Fire, water, air, and earth combine to make for a frothy afternoon java treat.



 For part 3, I close this post with a snippet from my favorite book, Les Miserables. This snippet does have a Christianity reference – so just a heads up to those of you who prefer to not read this type of content – you might want to skip this part – 🙂

But for those readers who are in the mood for a little Victor Hugo – or if you want to come back later –  I love this passage because it has some reference to the “elements” – but it also has a reaching out scene that completely inspires me. 

Victor Hugo depicts an amazing man, the B -, who models a LIFESTYLE of loving.

We do not have to live exactly like the Bishop in order to incorporate more loving practices into our lives – but with a little mindfulness — we can think of others more and more, which sure is a rich way to live (with balance of course).


From Book 2, Chapter 3: The Door Opened.


While he was speaking, the Bishop had gone and shut the door, which had remained wide open.

Madame Magloire returned. She brought a silver fork and spoon, which she placed on the table.

“Madame Magloire,” said the Bishop, “place those things as near the fire as possible.” And turning to his guest: “The night wind is harsh on the Alps. You must be cold, sir.”

Each time that he uttered the word Sir, in his voice which was so gently grave and polished, the man’s face lit up.

Monsieur to a convict is like a glass of water to one of the shipwrecked of the Medusa.

Ignominy thirsts for consideration.

“This lamp gives a very bad light,” said the Bishop.

Madame Magloire understood him, and went to get the two silver candlesticks from the chimney-piece in Monseigneur’s bed-chamber, and placed them, lighted, on the table.

“Monsieur le Curé,” said the man, “You are good; you do not despise me. You receive me into your house. You light your candles for me. Yet I have not concealed from you where I come and that I am an unfortunate man.”

The Bishop, who was sitting close to him, gently touched his hand. “You could not help telling me who you were. This is not my house; it is the house of Jesus Christ. This door does not demand of him who enters whether he has a name, but whether he has a grief. You suffer, you are hungry and thirsty; you are welcome. And do not thank me; do not say that I receive you in my house. No one is at home here, except the man who needs a refuge. I say to you, who are passing by, that you are much more at home here than I am myself. Everything here is yours. What need have I to know your name? Besides, before you told me you had one which I knew.”

The man opened his eyes in astonishment.

“Really? You knew what I was called?”

“Yes,” replied the Bishop, “you are called my brother.”

“Stop, Monsieur le Curé,” exclaimed the man. “I was very hungry when I entered here; but you are so good, that I no longer know what has happened to me.”

The Bishop looked at him, and said,—

“You have suffered much?”

“Oh, the red coat, the ball on the ankle, a plank to sleep on, heat, cold, toil, the convicts, the thrashings, the double chain for nothing, the cell for one word; even sick and in bed, still the chain! Dogs, dogs are happier! Nineteen years! I am forty-six. Now there is the yellow passport. That is what it is like.”

“Yes,” resumed the Bishop, “you have come from a very sad place. Listen. There will be more joy in heaven over the tear-bathed face of a repentant sinner than over the white robes of a hundred just men. If you emerge from that sad place with thoughts of hatred and of wrath against mankind, you are deserving of pity; if you emerge with thoughts of good-will and of peace, you are more worthy than any one of us.”

In the meantime, Madame Magloire had served supper: soup, made with water, oil, bread, and salt; a little bacon, a bit of mutton, figs, a fresh cheese, and a large loaf of rye bread. She had, of her own accord, added to the Bishop’s ordinary fare a bottle of his old Mauves wine.

The Bishop’s face at once assumed that expression of joyeuseté, which is peculiar to hospitable natures. “To table!” he cried vivaciously. As was his custom when a stranger supped with him, he made the man sit on his right. Mademoiselle Baptistine, perfectly peaceable and natural, took her seat at his left.

The Bishop asked a blessing; then helped the soup himself, according to his custom. The man began to eat with avidity.

All at once the Bishop said: “It strikes me there is something missing on this table.”

Madame Magloire had, in fact, only placed the three sets of forks and spoons which were absolutely necessary. Now, it was the usage of the house, when the Bishop had any one to supper, to lay out the whole six sets of silver on the table-cloth—an innocent ostentation. This graceful semblance of luxury was a kind of child’s play, which was full of charm in that gentle and severe household, which raised poverty into dignity.

Madame Magloire understood the remark, went out without saying a word, and a moment later the three sets of silver forks and spoons demanded by the Bishop were glittering upon the cloth, symmetrically arranged before the three persons seated at the table.




Hope u have a nice Sunday and speaking of the elements, here is an old school song from Earth, Wind and Fire


Check out Lisa’s post HERE if you have some photos to share that align with the  4 elements.


28 thoughts on “Elements in B & W (victor hugo snippet)

  1. These are very interesting, and I really like the monochrome edit here. Thank you very much, Yvette.


  2. I agree with Paula, this is a very interesting post. For me, both the first ans the second photos can be understood as abstracts. And both your picture series very much appeal to me. Thanks for sharing these, along with your thoughts.


    1. thanks… and as noted earlier – I am getting ready to log off for the day (road trip a little later) and your vibrant images will get me started on the road just fine. thx for your visit tms.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. So pleased you decided to join in the Four Elements fun after all! LOVELY images. My favorite is Water …..and air. Loved the ‘Perspective’ images as well.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Such beautiful texture in those first two shots! And I love the …is that a coffee maker? We call it greca I don’t know if you use it for coffee too 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Can’t miss with Les Mis and OMG, Earth, Wind, and Fire? You are speaking my language! (could do without the “old school” descriptor, but I guess it’s true so we’ll go with it!) Nice seague though for the challenge, I would never have thought of that myself!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. I would very much like to use a word … a word that I choose not to apply in most cases … The word is profound. I say that at the risk of sounding like a flatterer … But that is not the case. This is so good. More later. I apologize for not checking in, lately. I climbed out of that which I dropped into, out of sight. Peace.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. thakns for sharing your favorite – I really like to see which ones folks pick (sometimes helps me get to know them more) and looks like we have something in common with our favorite book 🙂 – thanks for dropping by Melissa

      Liked by 1 person

  7. Ah! I’ve missed a lot. But the mention of Victor Hugo and those stunning monochromes caught my attention and so I got to this one first! Love that snippet… remember reading an abridged version of this particular episode and marveling at the Bishop’s character. I think you totally nailed the perspective challenge, Yvette!
    Hope you’ve been doing well! XoXo


    1. thanks so much for your succinct comment kan – and so glad that this one caught your eye first – ❤ – things here are good – just chipping away at a big to do list for the next couple of weeks – end of the year stuff – but "it's all good" 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

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