coconut oil – a priorhouse taste test

Coconut oil is a must have!

After hearing about coconut oil for years – and even buying some in 2008, which I just gave away…. well I have come to appreciate this wonderful “white gold.”

We have been using coconut oil for about a year now and recently tried some different brands.  I decided to do a taste test last week, while we were tasting teas, just to see if we could tell a difference.  Here is the photo to share:

priorhouse coconut oil taste test - 2014
The Wild Oats brand (D) has a slightly smoky taste, but the other brands did not.

Coconut oil is a superfood.

Great for skin.

Great for cooking.

Great for health.

You can also rinse your mouth with coconut oil, which is called oil pulling.  It conditions the gums and pulls bacteria out of the mouth.


coconut oil and green tea - wonderful healing combination - priorhosue 2014
I have come to really look forward to green tea with coconut oil, especially on a chilly day! I like to add a teaspoon of unrefined coconut oil to a large cup of green tea. It adds a slight sweetness and enhances the bitterness of well-steeped tea.
blueberry bliss tea in clear glass mug - priorhouse 2014
This clear glass mug shows the natural color of blueberry-hibiscus tea.



Here is a photo of refined and unrefined coconut oil in a clear glass bowl, which is linked to JNW’s “clear” challenge this week.

refined and unrefined coconut oil in clear glass bowl - priorhouse 2014
Basically, refined coconut oil (L) is creamier, but unrefined (R) tastes better. For more about the difference, go HERE.

HERE IS SOME INFO on coconut oil:

~ Coconut oil is unique because it has Medium Chain Triglycerides (MCTs) – which go straight to the liver from the digestive tract, where they can have many positive effects on metabolism, cell health, blood health, and lifting heavy metals from the body.

~ The “ketone bodies” have therapeutic effects on the brain too and ketogenic diets are being used to help people heal!  The unique medium chain fatty acids in coconut oil can also kill some harmful pathogens and help the immune system.

~ “There is no difference between “extra virgin” and “virgin” when it comes to coconut oil, like there is with the olive oil industry.”  More about coconut oil HERE.


We also taste tested Sesame Tahini and Coconut Manna. The family did not really care for either one, but my husband likes Tahini in salad dressing. I like both of them straight form the container — as-is!

The Tahini is nutty and spreads on bagel chips like peanut butter (but does not have the aflatoxins that peanuts have).  The coconut manna is thick and it has to be slightly warmed in order to stir it.  It is too very sweet and so I pair it with salty organic tortilla chips.

coconut manna and sesame tahini taste test


Have a great day and if you do not use coconut oil yet, be sure to try some soon, you’ll be glad you did!


AUTHOR UPDATE:  Mum C wrote a poem inspired by this post (HERE) – woo hoo – and I had to include it here because this natural poet really knows the many wonderful properties of the coconut:


Caring is me

Overprotecting, yes, sometimes

Classy, I am

Old and golden, yes, that’s me

Not even my peelings are trash

Under no circumstance do I fail to deliver

Terrifying thirst hates my sight



I can breastfeed

Produce oil,

Work on hair like magic

Work on skin like magic

I have the soft touch, good for all

The hard touch, mm, chewy!

The hard and silker protectors good for chimneys

I help in boosting your immune system

You can bake or flake me

Boil or cook me

Make me into meat

Or rawly have me

My fatty acids have high healing powers

And of course, I can help you burn fat right

Some bacteria, viruses and fungi flee at my sight

Even I help reduce seizures and heart diseases

And I work on the brain like magic

I am coconut, the nut you pay no attention to

Amoafowaa Sefa Cecilia (c) 2014


75 thoughts on “coconut oil – a priorhouse taste test

    1. yes, I like coconut meat too – and they sell bags of it – flakes – that are great for snacking or cooking. and I really look forward to your poem… 🙂 ❤

      Liked by 1 person

  1. Ha, I have a jar sitting unopened in my pantry from about 6 months ago when I bought it for a recipe I never made. I have no idea what to do with it, but it’s not over yet. I may try some in tea as my first step. Thanks for the post!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I know – I actually gave away my first jar – and I also threw away a bottle of flax seed oil my mom left behind on one of her trips – oh man – threw it out!@! – when my body could have soaked that healthy stuff up! 🙂 oh – and here is a list of 101 things coconut oil can be used for – and it took a while for me used to get used to enjoying oily tastes – I came from the mentality of fat free as excellent and so I still have to break the residual conditioning… and tell myself – “not all fat is bad fat” – “fat is brain food” – “good fats feed my cells” – etc.

      Liked by 2 people

  2. I love coconut oil too, been using it for a while..but I have no idea that we can use it for rinsing our mouth. Sounds great! I am going to try it – thanks for the info Yvette! And have a great weekend!!!


      1. Many thanks for this tip! I will start it tomorrow morning…now, I just have to put that coconut oil on my bathroom..How weird is that 😀 😀


    1. and please let me know how you like it – and if nothing else- try it on skin – or add two tablespoons to a bath for a nice softening effect – 🙂 ❤


  3. It’s funny… when I was growing up in the 70’s, my parents always fried with coconut oil (the refined kind, of course), because, so my dad would say “it had the cleanest taste”. Then suddenly, saturated fat, no matter where it came from, was the devil, and now it’s back in vogue.


    1. Hi lady of the cakes – and well thanks for your comment because it led me to correct thinking – because I say I was a victim of the 80’s fat-free movement – but I keep forgetting that this horrible thinking is started in the 70’s.

      Anyhow, in the 1990’s I was in the fondue restaurant business – and we used to have some regulars comes in with their own tub of coconut oil to cook at their table with – one of the guys was a scientist and he told me all about how coconut oil is “highly resistant to oxidation at high heats” and the unique fat chains are just different from other oils and makes it ideal for cooking… and well, your dad must have tasted something extra when he chose this… 🙂 ❤


      1. Yes, it’s true. Seed oils tend to be composed of mainly unsaturated fats, which aren’t heat stable, while coconut oil and palm oil, both composed of saturated fats, are stable at high temperatures.


  4. Great info, Yvette. I have again returned to using coconut oil. I am presently using it on my skin, working up to ingesting it. Why? After ingesting this oil for a while, my body began to say YUCK and NO! Again why? I don’t know. So I am slowly reintroducing it. (((HUGS))) Amy


    1. Well Lady rose-ski – what I LOVE how you listen to your body – you are very in tune and actually – I also heard that this is the best way to health – go slow – introduce this and that – pause as needed – and then try again – because all health is from “the inside out” – and well, even if it is just on the skin we have to remember that the skin is our largest organ and as such – we still soak up many benefits via the many layers of our skin….
      (((( hugs ))))


      1. You are absolutely correct. And since I read your post this morning, I decided to go ahead and put in on teaspoon of refined coconut oil in my fruit smoothie and NO reaction! TA-DA! It was like YOUR post came and knocked on my door to say, Hey, Amy, time again to ingest coconut to get nutty! Hehehehehehe This all by the way, came about as um coincidental. Hmmmm …. no such thing, I know. But, I ran out of some very expensive facial serum and instead of buying more, I decided to use yep, coconut oil combined with my facial cream. And oh yeah, Baby, it worked. Then along comes your post …. and the rest is history today. Big ((HUGS))) coming your way, Prior-ski! 🌹💞🌹 Says Rose-ski whose eyes are crossed from studying from a 700+ page book on PS CC. *thinking of just starting with LR5* Whew! LOL (((HUGS)))Amy


      2. well first of all – I love “prior-ski” and have never been called that – so that was fun to read – (vet-ski but never prior-ski) and we saw a comedian last night and the opening act was “Ian Gutoskie” and it sounded like “gugh-tow-ski” and so had to laugh – and he actually ha d unique mental health plug at the need of his routine – reminded me of Brandon Marshall last year when he was wearing bright neon green in October to raise awareness about it too –

        and interesting to hear about the serum – the cosmetic companies do not want people to know about these all-natraul moisturizers – and in 2009 I started taking a daily tablespoon of cod liver oil and I have never bought another bottle of moisturizer since then – and now I see even more of how starved my body was for oil and “fat” –
        thanks for the hugs ❤

        and just while we are on the health topic and while you are reading those 700 pages O_o – well have you ever tried "palming" – it is an exercise for the eyes and I have used it on road trips to strengthen my eyes and for some people it really works for eye fatigue and to fortify the eye muscles. It depends on your eyes though… and I am not sure about all of the "bates" stye exercises – but I do know that palming works – and my favorite art teacher mona brooks teaches it to all of her students and instructors.

        In the picture they show palming with closed eyes – but I never do it that way –

        I just take the palm of my hand and with an open eye – I completely cover the eye with darkness by using the plan of my hand to cover it – and it rests the optic nerve (and entire eye system) – and I do this for 30 seconds to a minute – and well… it might help with all that reading you are doing ❤ ❤ ❤


  5. Hmm, we have a jar of organic “extra virgin” 😉 cold pressed coconut oil in the fridge. When we first bought it we were using it to cook. After a short time, we decided it made everything taste too coconutty! But I’ve wanted to start drinking green tea so may be I’ll try using this in it. I haven’t taste tested it by itself as it says it’s great for cooking. hmmm. We’ll see.


    1. yeah I agree about the cooking and the flavor it adds – and so sometimes I use wonderful butter (or grape seed or olive oil) because we can only take so much coconut taste in one day! ha!
      – and also experiment with green teas because not all are created equal…. and you have to find one that you like – and sometimes fancier is not better – 🙂 ❤

      Liked by 1 person

  6. This is great. Thanks for all the info. I’ve been planning on making some make-up, it calls for french green clay, cornstarch and coconut oil (for foundation). Glad I know some more about it now. Great photos too!


    1. well I ask really curious to hear about how your foundation comes out – I tired a bunch of different clays earlier this year – including the green french – but it was actually the fresh “red” clay that was my favorite out of all 7 clays – anyhow, the foundation sounds very interesting… 🙂


  7. I’ve tried coconut oil in smoothies and enjoyed it but may start adding it to my tea too, thanks for the tip! We also give it to our dog twice a day and it has worked wonders with his itchy skin and his coat is super soft and shiny. 🙂


    1. Lisa – thanks for the doggie tip – my black lab LOVES it when I give him a small taste – but I never even thought about the nice way it could help their coat and their inside too – so thanks for that – 🙂


      1. The rule of thumb I heard is 1/4 tsp per 10 lbs of body weight twice a day. That seemed like a lot though so I give our 30 lb Finn 1/2 tsp morning and evening. He loves it!


  8. I’ve got a jar in my cupboard and I’ve been wondering what to do with it – I might start with the mouth rinse and go from there 😉


    1. Hi Dianne – and well there rinse feels weird at first – and I do not do it all the time, but did do it just recently when I flossed and had some irritated gums – amazing how it soothed!
      It can also help teeth remineralize….

      oh – and here is an interesting video about natural teeth info – the oil pulling is at the 3:52 mark – and she says to use sunflower oil but she does not know too much about it – cos many nutritionists suggest coconut oil – and I think it tastes better – 🙂


  9. All the stores are closed now, but next time I go grocery shopping, I’m going to look for some coconut oil to put in my green tea. I know hubby will think I’m crazy, but what the heck. Can I rub it on my arms too? I’m going to try it. Thanks for the tips. 🙂


    1. yes! – well keep me posted 🙂 and yes, it is excellent for skin – as a moisturizer – but also as a healer – it also has anti-fungal and antibacterial properties – and so it causes things to come up from the “hypodermis” – and also smooths wrinkles. I heard that some “refined” are fine to use if they were refined without chemicals – but to be on the safe side, I suggest “UN-refined” –

      and not sure if I mentioned this yet, but wal-mart just started carrying an entire line of WILD OATS organic products -(info here) including their coconut oil – which I found to be a little smoky, but it was pure great quality.
      They also carry chia seeds, ground flax and more goodies from Wild Oats – I know that many people stay far away from “wally world” um, I mean wal-mart – but I think it is super cool that they are carrying this brand at a nice price.

      Anyhow, please keep me posted – and you may want to research this oil a bit more, but it also pulls metals from the body and they say a lot of people know about aluminum building up over the years – but copper is also a huge offender in today’s culture….
      🙂 ❤


  10. WOW Yvette, great post and you say it gets rid of wrinkles in the reply to Sylvia, that alone will make me rush out and buy a jar. But in green tea????? well I will reserve judgement and give it ago. Like many others that have commented I did have a jar a while back and it just sat in the pantry, but gave it to a friend when we went off on one of our trips. I also tried the oil pulling at one stage and yes I think it soothed my gums but it was a strange taste and I gave up on it. Thank you Y for this very interesting and informative post.


    1. Hi Pomme = well I am still learning so much about it myself – but it seems like we have some bloggers with even more experience with this = anyhow, I stopped using it last fall because I thought it made me break out slightly – but in hindsight I see it was a mild part opt the cleansing effect – and I may have started with too much – not sure how I started using it again but it is a chemical alternative for so many things – “whit gold” fo- sho! ❤ ❤

      Liked by 1 person

  11. I love your post Yvette, coconut oil are great help for our health.
    Especially for people with cholesterol disorder.This coconut oil is a miracle, people believe it or not, but I’ve seen its results in myself. Every day I use half a tablespoon of coconut oil in my salad or cooking. I use too for my lips and hair. ❤ Coconut Oil 🙂


    1. well passion dew – I appreciate you sharing your experience = seriously = and I may email you if I have any questions -k? but so far I am just really enjoying some in tea – and externally my skin lovvvvvvvves it 🙂 ❤ ❤


  12. My skin is starting to get itchy so today am going out there to get a bottle of virgin coconut oil. The virgin coconut oil is supposed to be sweeter and should not have a rancid taste. During Winter they are the best lotion I use, love it. A popular singer use them every day as her moisturizer. I did that too last year.


    1. Thanks Bebs – and the lady I gave away my first jar to – well she said it was the only thing that took away “ashy” skin for her – and also I did not know the virgin is a bit sweeter – so thx 😉


  13. Oh well, my previous comment seems to have been lost in cyberspace… I love your health posts, Yvette – they are so informative! I have tried oil pulling before (I think I read somewhere it helps in teeth whitening too), but couldn’t keep it up. Never heard of coconut oil in tea… will have to try that one! Coconut oil is such a popular cooking medium in the southern part of India… but I never really got used to the taste. Probably because we always used it as hair oil, growing up… so the same smell in food, just did not seem right!


    1. Hi Kan – I think those lost posts are with all the stray socks somewhere in the world – ha!
      and oil pulls can help to whiten – how cool…. and in tea is the number one way I like it – because like Linda said – cooking with it too much gets old after a while… oh – and I know what you mean about the conditioning – something that was used for hair – well it would be hard to eat! lol – and my friend from India well she also uses argan oil in her hair – and did as a child – seems like we can learn a lot of health tips from India

      Liked by 1 person

  14. This is incredible, I’ve never read so much info about coconut oil. I can’t stand coconut on it’s own, yet I love it when blended in Thai and Indian food. Never knew about it in tea…although not sure how it will go with my plain, English black breakfast tea but I love how good it is for teeth 😛 I should be using it as have been in a lot of pain from a tooth extraction that went horribly wrong 4 weeks ago…but that’s another story. Anyway mon amie, I have bookmarked this excellent post and will come back to read it more thoroughly and take notes!!! You’ve educated me here, thank you so much 🙂 3 >3


    1. thanks so much Sherri (huge smile) and actually oil pulling is exactly for you then because it has such healing properties for gum issues and sorry about the problem with your extraction – I have another item to suggest for that. Try and find powdered myrrh. It is not easy to find, but I bought a bag (for like six dollars) on trip to Denver in 2005 (for Kips funeral) – and a little myrrh goes a long way

      Powdered myrrh is amazzzzzzzing for all things teeth. But my aunt maxine also used it for a stubborn face rash when nothing else would work and she still thanks me – and I gave her three baggies from that six dollar bag!

      and star west botanicals sells some for only ten bucks – HERE – but I am sure the UK has places – and you may already know about this – but if not, do check it out – powdered myrrh is very very unique.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Thanks so much for this Y. The dentist used clove oil to take the pain away when it was really bad but I’ve not heard of myrrh used in this way. Will definitely take a look, you are a star mon amie 🙂 ❤


    2. well I have never heard of clove oil for the mouth – that is interesting – but I do know that tea tree oil is amazing – and you can put a little bit of tea tree oil on the the floss and it is a natural healer if needed.

      oh and getting back to the clove oil – well there is an essential oil blend called “thieves” that has clove oil as one of the key potent ingredients – Someone gave me a young living kit over the summer and it had thieve in it…

      but I guess you can make your own too – with clove, cinnamon, mint, lemon, and rosemary… (I would add geranium too)

      The story of why it is called thieves is pretty cool:

      During the black plague – the “King heard about the story of the thieves he wanted to know their secret. He wanted to know how they were able to touch dead bodies without getting sick! How did they protect themselves from the dreaded disease?

      He sent his Constables out to capture them. Four of the thieves were caught and brought before the King. He gave them a choice to either share their secret formula of “immunity” or be burned at the stake. The four thieves decided to share their secret formula with the King.

      The King immediately posted the thieves secret formula all over the town.

      Hence the story of the four thieves. Kills 99.96% of Bacteria The essential oils of cinnamon, clove, eucalyptus, rosemary and lemon were tested at Weber State University (Utah) and found to have a 99.96 percent kill rate against airborne bacteria.
      More here
      TTYL mon amie ❤ ❤

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Wow…you are amazing Y! Thank you so much for this. I didn’t know about clove oil until I had this wretched tooth extraction business to contend with. It was truly miraculous how it seeped into the socket and oh mama, all my pain dissolved. Apparently dentists use it all the time. Who knew? But I love what you told me about thieves, I had no idea and will definitely look into this. You are a star. Have a great weekend mon amie…big hugs 🙂 ❤ ❤ ❤


      2. Wow Sherri – I am still shocked that clove oil is used for gum pain (keep learning so much every day :)) – the only two things I knew about clove oil was 1. – that it was powerful (the oil has to be dulled or it will burn) and 2. It is very anti-parasitic – as noted with the thieves recipe – but also when doing an herbal para-cleanse – cloves are one of the 3 herbs needed for overall cleansing – because cloves are for killing eggs (sorry – not the nicest thing to talk about – but it is health post… right?) – and black walnut hull and wormwood are the other two herbs (not sure if you area interested in reading about it anymore – but more info HERE)\ – even though I think (informally of course) that folks should start with sonne’s #7 clay (taken with fiber) for a few months and then go from there…

        well I hope you have a great weekend too and be over in a bit 🙂 ❤


  15. Cocinut oil, have never use itu except for cooking 😀 thank you for sharing this tips Yvette, will follow your suggest.


  16. I’m reading posts backward in time and the last line of the poem, “I am coconut, the nut you pay no attention to” brought me back to your nuts on a plate. I think that’s going to be with me all day! 😉 ❤


    1. thank you so much – and thank you for dropping by and for the follow – I checked out your blog and decided to follow back 🙂 – peace!

      Liked by 1 person

    1. well I never even thought of baby care – and so thanks for adding another useful tip to the post!!!! and if you get some – I now suggest unrefined (vs. refined) – have a great day 🙂 ❤


      1. My daughter uses real nappies and nt only is it good for Scarlett’s skin but apparently coconut oil on her tender bits does not clag up the natural fibres of the nappies!


      2. well that makes sense – and i will have to tell my niece because she has a little baby – and I bet it could help with nursing too – to keep the nips from drying out…. lanolin works amazing and is fine, but I bet coconut oil could work too. thanks again 🙂


  17. Great post – very informative! I have been using a little here & there, but am going to try it in tea. I WANT to drink green tea, but don’t really like any tea (hot or iced). My daughter just told me about he thieves oil. And clove oil – my grandma used to put that in my ear when I was a little girl – best thing ever for ear aches. She worked at a hospital, so I assumed she got it there, but when she retired she quit getting it. She’s gone now, & I never asked her about where exactly she got it – she called earache medicine, but it smelled like cloves 🙂


    1. oooo – that cloves for the ears sounds good – and I just saw an “ear oil” for sale and I wonder if it had cloves.

      But I do have a tip regarding clove essential oil – it is very potent – and a little goes along way.
      Also, I am sure you know this – but clove oil is one that really has to have a carrier oil – or it can burn the skin.
      (lavender, German chamomile, tea tree oil, sandalwood, and rose geranium are all okay to lightly go on without a carrier oil)
      but I think we can learn a lot from those grandma remedies and

      Sadie, I just have to share this with ya (because you recently mentioned pharmaceuticals) –

      “Essential oils are wholly natural and cannot be patented; which means that you’ll never see an essential oil in a pharmaceutical drug. As such, you can expect that the vast majority of mainstream healthcare practitioners will never recommend essential oils as therapeutic alternatives to drugs. More importantly, because essential oils cannot be patented, drug companies will not waste money studying them. This limits our scientific knowledge of essential oils GREATLY, and the majority of what we know about them are things that have been passed down through thousands of years of personal use and experimentation.”

      from crunch betty


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